Which trails went from New Mexico to California and what were the reasonspeople moved to New Mexico?


Answer 1


fort washington


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650 B.C


What was the main cause of the Panic of 1893?


The Panic was the worst economic crisis to hit the nation in its history to that point. Economic historians are not certain what caused it but point to several possible factors. First, too many people attempted to redeem silver notes for gold; ultimately the statutory limit for the minimum amount of gold in federal reserves was reached and U.S. Notes could no longer be successfully redeemed for gold. Next, the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad went bankrupt. Then, the National Cordage Company (the most actively traded stock at the time) went into receivership as a result of its bankers calling their loans in response to rumors regarding the NCC's financial distress. A series of bank failures followed, and the price of silver fell. The Northern Pacific Railway, the Union Pacific Railroad and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad all failed. This was followed by the bankruptcy of many other companies; in total over 15,000 companies and 500 banks failed (many in the west). About 12%-18% of the workforce was unemployed at the Panic's peak.

hope this makes sense

How did allies hide from Germans D-day invasion plan?


They really didn't hide it just kept it a secret, the Germans did know an invasion plan was at work just didn't know when or where it was going to happen. So they were ready on the beaches and planted land mines on the ground just in case, so if we came some soldiers would get blown up. The Nazi's were trying as hard as possible to get the info but it was to late by the time they got the news we had already taken over the french beach that they had doubt that was the beach we were going to land on.
Allies strategy was to convince axis that the invasion will take place in Pas de Calais. General Patton was commanding First United States Army Group - a fake army which was located on the other end of  La Manche channel than Pas de Calais. Even after landing in Normandy Germans left toops in Calais, thinking that D Day landing is just a deception.
It is known as Operation Quicksilver, part of Operation Fortitude.

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A necessary precondition for a Neolithic village to become a civilization in prehistory was the domestication of plants and animals, since this allowed people to have a surplus of food--meaning that for the first time they could focus on other skills and trades.

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please refer to the picture above

What event greatly increased the amount of territory in the early United States?a. Lewis & Clark Expedition
b. Louisiana Purchase
C. Monroe Doctrine
d. Manifest Destiny
