Give two examples of mixtures in which the physical properties of the ingredients, or substances, are maintained, or NOT changed, when they are mixed together. Then give two examples of mixtures in which the physical properties of the materials ARE changed when they are mixed together.


Answer 1

A mixture of sand and water/ oil and water are examples of mixtures in which the physical properties of the ingredients, or substances, are maintained, or NOT changed, when they are mixed together.

And a mixture of water and sugar, and water and a powdered mixture are examples of mixtures in which the physical properties of the materials ARE changed when they are mixed together.

A mixture is primarily the combination of two or more elements or things. In other words, we can say that whenever two or more things are added together, it can be called a mixture.

  • There can be different results of a mixture, depending on the properties of the ingredients mixed together.
  • Two examples of mixtures where the physical properties of the substances are not changed is a mixture of water+soil and water+oil.
  • In this scenario, the soil or oil will retain their physical composition, thereby resulting in a different layer even though they are put together.
  • On the other hand, two examples where the ingredients changed their properties after being mixed area water+sugar and water+ powdered mixture.
  • Here, the sugar and powdered mixtures will dissolve into the water and mix with it, resulting in a solution.

Thus, when different components are mixed, they either dissolve or retain their composition, depending on the substances. Thus, mixing sand and water/ oil and water will result in a mixture where the ingredients retain their physical properties. On the other hand, a mixture of water and sugar/ water and a powdered mixture will not retain the physical properties of the substances.  

Learn more about mixtures here:

Answer 2


4. In a mixture of water, sand, salt, gravel and iron filings, which ingredients will maintain all of their physical properties after being mixed together? The sand, gravel, and iron filings will maintain their physical properties.


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Select the correct answer
What is tone of the passage?
from Gettysburg Address
by Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863
OA. passionate
OB. worried
OC. respectful
COD. hopeful


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What do the stanzas in "A Psalm of Life" have in common?


The stanzas correspond to the tone and meter: ABAB

Besides there are Alliteration and Assonance

Alliteration: "In the world's broad field of battle, / In the bivouac of Life, / Be not like dumb, driven cattle!"  

Assonance: "Still achieving, still pursuing"

What the stanzas in the palms of life have in common is that they show stages in a thought process.

in 1838, palms of life first got published in a New York magazine known as The Knickerbocker, and about a year later, the poem became part of voice of the night, which was the first major collections of long fellow's poetry. it is a poem that inspires. it was written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Further Explanation

The poet, in the palms of life sees life from an optimistic outlook. To him, the life is full of endless opportunities and that individual can achieve their goals if they make judicious use of their time by not being lazy and keeping faith in what the world have to offers.  

The poet does not have faith in people that are pessimistic about life and throughout the entire poem, Longfellow appealed to readers to always have the believe they can achieve whatever they want in life.

He also urged the readers to start the work without relenting and wait patiently for the fruits of labor. He inspires readers to take part in the work and life activities.  

The poem comprises of nine stanzas and four line. it also seems lyrical.



  • a psalm of life
  • nine stanzas
  • poet
  • poem
  • longfellow

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It's easy to tell a waltz; from another type of music, waltzes are always in three-quarter time.
It's easy to tell a waltz from another type of music; waltzes are always in three-quarter time.
It's easy to tell a waltz from another type of music, waltzes are always; in three-quarter time.
It's easy to tell a waltz; from another type of music, waltzes are always in three-quarter time.


The correct answer is the second option.

It's easy to tell a waltz from another type of music; waltzes are always in three-quarter time.
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