Why did the christians believe that jerusalem was controlled by infidels?


Answer 1
Answer: They believed that Muslims who controlled Jerusalem were infidels because they weren't Christians.

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How did the Crusades help solve the problems created by the feudal primogeniture system in Europe?


The Crusades helped solve the problems created by the feudal primogeniture system in Europe by reducing the number of landless younger sons who could challenge the authority of their elder brothers or cause instability in their regions. The feudal primogeniture system was a custom that gave the right of inheritance to the firstborn son, regardless of the number or gender of other children. This meant that many younger sons of nobles had no land or income of their own, and had to either join the clergy, become knights, or seek fortune elsewhere. Some of them became restless and rebellious, and engaged in private wars or raids against their neighbors.

The Crusades offered these younger sons an opportunity to gain glory, wealth, and land in the Holy Land, where they could establish their own fiefs or join the military orders. Many of them took up the cross and left Europe for the Middle East, where they fought against the Muslims for control of Jerusalem and other sacred sites. By doing so, they reduced the pressure on the feudal system in Europe and increased the power of the kings and popes who sponsored the Crusades. The Crusades also encouraged trade and cultural exchange between Europe and the Middle East, which brought new ideas and technologies to both regions.

This question is based on the accompanying documents. The question is designed to test your
ability to work with historical documents. Some of these documents have been edited for the
purposes of this question. As you analyze the documents, take into account the source of each
document and any point of view that may be presented in the document. Keep in mind that the
language used in a document may reflect the historical context of the time in which it was written.
Historical Context:
In the early years of the republic, various controversial issues divided the American
people. Three such issues were ratification of the Constitution, purchase of the
Louisiana Territory, and expansion of slavery into the territories.
Task: Using the information from the documents and your knowledge of United States
history, answer the questions that follow each document in Part A. Your answers to
the questions will help you write the Part B essay in which you will be asked to
Choose two issues mentioned in the historical context and for each
• Describe the historical circumstances surrounding the issue
• Discuss arguments of those in favor of and of those opposed to the issue.
In your discussion, include at least one argument on each side of the issue.


The major historical circumstances revolving around the ratification of the Constitution was that many people believed it would give the federal government too much power. 

Heifer International’s function is to help reduce poverty by providingfree food from livestock raised by Heifer International.
the tools and expertise to start a business.
livestock to start small businesses.
the grain to raise livestock from Heifer International.


Heifer International’s is a charitable organization that aims to stop world hunger, to reduce poverty, to reduce child malnutrition and to support small businesses by providing livestock (third option).  The countries where Heifer International are located all around the world, and even the United States is one of them, believe it or not, poverty also affects many rural areas of the United States, especially in Arkansas. This organization has had a positive impact on many countries and tries to avoid any consequences that could affect the communities or the environment.

Final answer:

Heifer International aims to combat poverty by supplying livestock to individuals and communities. They provide the necessary resources to create sustainable income and promote self-sustainability, rather than providing temporary aid such as free food. The livestock can be used both for personal use and for generating income, offering a way to escape the cycle of poverty.


Heifer International is a unique organization dedicated to ending poverty in a sustainable way. Rather than providing immediate, temporary relief like free food, Heifer International equips individuals and communities with the resources they need to generate income and achieve self-sustainability. In the majority of cases, this comes in the form of livestock.

The livestock provided by Heifer International serve multiple purposes. They can serve as a primary or supplementary source of food, and they can also become a source of income. For example, a cow can provide milk which can be sold or consumed, and a chicken can produce eggs.

The goal of Heifer International is not only to help individuals and communities escape from poverty, but also to help them stay out of poverty. They achieve this by ensuring the resources provided, such as livestock, are sustainable and renewable.

Learn more about Heifer International here:



What is the primary function of the Congressional campaign committee? A. to increase party representation in Congress B. to win the White House for the party C. to ensure the reelection of party Senators D. to raise money for campaigns


Answer: A. To increase party representation in Congress.


A Congressional Campaign Committee is the official campaign branch of a political party in the House of Representatives. It´s a party committee in Congress that provides funds to members and intended members, working to make their candidates elected in order to improve the party´s representation in Congress.

The answer is letter A. to increase party representation in Congress. E  Both Democrats and Republicans have such committees to elect their members to the House of Representatives. The more members they elect, the bigger the chance their policies would be passed.

In a brief to the Supreme Court of Oregon, you cite the 1985 Supreme Court of Washington case Larry Daugert, Trustee for David M. Simms & Gail Simms versus John D. Pappas & Betty Pappas. This case is reported in volume 104, page 254, of Washington Reports, Second Series, and in volume 704, page 600, of Pacific Reporter, Second Series.



Regarding the case of Daugert vs. Pappas; the Supreme Court must be informed that John Pappas and his firm were found guilty of malpractice, due to extra temporal request to review an appeal, on a case that was previously ruled in favor of his former client.  His negligence conducted to his former client to assume costs, previously overruled by the Court.   Main considerations for this case evaluation were the chances of the appeal reversion, as estimated by the Jury



The attorney John Pappas was working for Mountain Development Company (MDC).  Black Mountain Ranch (BMR), a commercial entity, bought a recreation complex from MDC.  Several deficiencies appeared in the construction and both parties tried to resolved who should be in charge of repairing costs, without agreement.  

As a solution, both proposed an agreement, with an external advisor evaluating the situation (Anvil Corporation).  When Anvil concluded its investigation, indicated that all defects were caused by a faulty design made by MDC.  MDC then rejected those findings, and also, refused to pay for the corrections.  To this, BMR responded with a lawsuit against MDC, indicating an agreement breach.

At the end of trial, the Court assigned the blame not to MDC, but BMR, pointing that lack of maintenance resulted in degradation of the infrastructure.  BMR then filed an appeal, indicating that, since there was no wrong intention proved, the agreement was biding.  

MDC asked its attorney, John Pappas, to request a review to the Court; but this request was presented a day after finishing the valid period to receive the request.  Considering this, the developer lost any chance of defending themselves against the appeal, and the Court failed in favor of BMR.  

Summarizing, the lawsuit that initially was provided by Court in favor of MCD, was later lost because their attorney did not requested a review, in the given time.  

As consequence, MCD, represented by Larry Daugert, presented a suit against Pappas, alleging malpractice.  

Daugert vs. Pappas.

Pappas and his firm were accused by Daugert of breach of duty, causing MDC to lost a case that was ruled in their favor, due to an extra temporal appeal review request.

During trial, allegations were made based on the chances of dismissal of the appeal if the review request would have been accepted.  Judge considered this an issue to be ruled by Jury, indicating them that:

  1. There could be a chance that the malpractice from Pappas affected the final outcome against MDC.
  2. The chance of the Supreme Court to accept the review and reversed the appeal outcome.
  3. The percentage of avoiding damage lost by MDC due to Pappas malpractice.  

Finally, the Jury calculated in 20% the changes of the Supreme Court to review and reverse the appeal, meaning that Daugert was able to prove malpractice performed by Pappas.  

Main elements resulting of this trial

The main element used to rule malpractice is how close are the actions of the professional to create a negative result for its customer (proximity cause).  On this case, the attorney failed to present a review in time, affecting his customer.  This is the main justification provided to fail against Pappas, and used to define malpractice.  

Also, considering that requesting the Jury to provide probabilities of the scenarios indicated by the Judge could have been considered out of rule, this was made in base of the client’s needs, and the legal profession.  This, in order to provide a perspective of this proximity cause, for the Jury.

Final answer:

The question refers to the citation of a specific legal case from the Supreme Court of Washington. This is a Law question appropriate for a College level student. The mentioned case, along with others, are used as precedents to shape legal investigations and decisions.


The Larry Daugert, Trustee for David M. Simms & Gail Simms versus John D. Pappas & Betty Pappas case, which was presented to the Supreme Court of Washington in 1985, and is listed in both volume 104, page 254, of the Washington Reports, Second Series, and in volume 704, page 600, of the Pacific Reporter, Second Series, is a notable reference for various legal arguments. This case, along with others such as Maricopa County, 415 U.S. 250 (1974); Attorney Gen. of New York v. Soto-Lopez, 476 U.S. 898 (1986); and Baldwin v. Fish and Game Commission of Montana, 436 U.S. 371 (1978), helps form a broader context within the field of law. Each court case contributes to the evolving interpretation of laws and constitutional rights that continually shape our legal system.

Learn more about Legal Case Citation here:



One of the main reason John D. Rockefeller was able to succeed in the oil industry was because he?


One of the main reason John D. Rockefeller was able to succeed in the oil industry was because he was able to "monopolize" the business--in that he bought a variety of different oil companies. 

Final answer:

John D. Rockefeller succeeded in the oil industry through strategic investments in oil refining, ruthless business tactics, and the implementation of horizontal and vertical integration in his growth strategy.


One of the main reasons John D. Rockefeller was able to succeed in the oil industry was due to his strategic approach towards business. Instead of engaging in risky ventures like many of his contemporaries, Rockefeller chose to invest in refining crude oil into kerosene, a product in high demand. He was known for his method of growth via mergers and acquisitions or horizontal integration, consolidating similar companies into his business - Standard Oil.

Rockefeller was also notorious for his ruthless business tactics - he organized agreements with large railroad companies to get discounted freight rates, thereby reducing his delivery costs. This allowed him to offer kerosene at lowered prices, effectively driving competitors out of business. Rockefeller's approach also involved buying out opponents for prices below their worth, a strategic move that enabled him to acquire nearly 95% of all the oil refining businesses in the nation.

Furthermore, Rockefeller leveraged the concept of vertical integration, establishing control of all processes in the product cycle, from production to delivery. This included investments in and acquisitions of various companies involved in everything from barrel-making to railroads. Through these strategies, Rockefeller managed to build an empire in the oil industry, setting the standard for other business magnates of his time.

Learn more about John D. Rockefeller here:



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