Who was defeated by the Greeks at the bay of.salamis?


Answer 1
Answer: i believe the persians were defeated by the greeks at the bay of sqlqmis
Answer 2
Answer: At the battle of Thermopylae on the bay of Salamis, the Spartans went to war against the Persians, but the Greeks where defeated, and the rest of the army retreated! 

Hope that was helpful! :)

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B) "charges"
C) "earnings"
D) "receipts"



C) "earnings"


Profit is a financial gain or amount earned, minus expenditures, that an individual or organization receives for selling products or services. The word “earnings” which refers to the money one received for labor or for selling a product or service, then, is the best synonym for the word “profit.” Other synonyms for this word are “gain,” “proceeds” and “return.”

I agree... I think it is C. The amount spent and the amount buying.

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The answer is A.

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Find out more information about the Maya empire.


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