Cloning results in two organisms that are...


Answer 1
Answer: cloning results in two organisms that are both adult mammals

hope this helps!
Answer 2

The answer to your question is A both adult mammals.

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The answer is c. resting. Water intoxication, also known as hyperhydration or water poisoning, is a fatal condition caused by too much electrolytes in the body from drinking too much water in a short period of time. The rest of the choices are results of this condition. Additionally, water intoxication can be caused by psychiatric conditions, endurance sports, and iatrogenic care.

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "B. As the population of Eastern Cottontail Rabbits in Red Forest increased, food resources became scarce." The most likely explanation for why the population of Eastern Cottontail Rabbits did not continue to increase rapidly is that as the population of Eastern Cottontail Rabbits in Red Forest increased, food resources became scarce.


B. As the population of Eastern Cottontail Rabbits decreased.


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The right answer is "increase". On the off chance that there's less food for them to eat,, they are going for a battle for it more on the grounds that both will need the little measures of nourishment that they scarcely get. The opposition increments.
The degree of competition between these two species is going to increase if their food becomes scarce. Given that both squirrels and chipmunks eat the same food, if there are smaller amounts of it, obviously both species are going to fight for it or else they will die. It is the survival of the fittest - those who can fight for their food and lives will survive, whereas the others will perish.

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The three large arteries originating from the aortic arch are the brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid artery, and left subclavian artery.

What are the primary factors that determine whether a volcano erupts explosively or relitivly quietly.


The intensity of the volcano eruption depends on the character and composition of the magma.

Further Explanation:

Magma is formed when the lower crust or upper mantle of the earth is melted. This magma is discharge by a volcano, which is referred to as a vent or opening through which magma is released. Many factors can trigger a volcanic eruption. The major reasons are:

  • The density of the magma
  • Pressure from the gases present in the magma
  • Addition of a newly formed magma into an already filled magma chamber

The intensity of volcanic eruption could be of two types, explosive and quite. There are two primary factors which determine whether the volcanic eruption is quite or explosive named are:

  • Viscosity
  • Content of gases in magma

As the viscosity and gas content of magma is low, then volcanic eruption is less explosive or quite. On the other hand, if the viscosity and gas content is high, then the volcanic eruption is explosive.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about the abiotic factor
  2. Learn more about the cellular respiration
  3. Learn more about the primary and secondary succession

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Topic: Volcanic eruption


Explosive, gas content, volcanic eruption, high, viscosity, quite, magma, intensity, factor, density, pressure, addition, formed, filled.

chemical composition,temperature, viscosity
different chemicals in an erupting volcano's magma affects the temperature, which in turn affects the viscosity, which affects the eruption itself
for example, less silica content in the magma means lower temperature which means the lava cools down faster and hardens faster, which means the viscosity increases, which in turn results in  relatively quiet explosion.

Nerves at the roots of hair follicles to detect pain, temperature, itch, and hair movement are called _____.Merkel's disks
Meissner's corpuscles
Pacinian corpuscles
free nerve endings


Answer: Free nerve endings


A free nerve ending can be defined as the bare nerve endings that are unspecialized afferent nerve fibers which sends its signal to sensory neuron.

The main function of these nerve endings is to being the signals to the brain from the periphery of the body. They can sense itch, hair movement, temperature, pain et cetera.

The free nerve endingscan detect pain, temperature, itch and hair movement. Merkel's disks can detect pressure, position and static touch features. Pacinian corpuscles are sensitive to vibration while Meissner's corpuscles are sensitive to light and touch.