What distinguishes a eukaryotic cell from a prokaryotic cell is the presence of?


Answer 1
Answer: A eukariotic cell has a membrane boud nucleaus while on the prokaryotic cells do not.
Then, eaukaryotic cells have more than one chromosomes, while prokaryotic has only one.
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What is the best definition of an electric circuit?A. A path of magnetism.
B. A path of chemical to mechanical energy.
C. A path that an electric current follows.


C.) A path that an electric current follows

Final answer:

An electric circuit is a closed loop or pathway along which an electric current flows


The best definition of an electric circuit is Option C: A path that an electric current follows.

An electric circuit is a closed loop or pathway along which an electric current flows. It consists of various components such as a voltage source, conductors, and load. For example, when you plug in an electrical appliance like a light bulb into a wall socket, the circuit is completed, and electricity can flow from the source to the load, allowing the bulb to light up.

Learn more about Electric Circuit here:



Which lipid acts as a chemical messenger? adipose tissue


The correct answer is testosterone.A chemical messenger simply refers to a hormone.Testosterone is a lipid - based hormone. In fact, it is an anabolic steroid . Steroids are a type of lipid which has four rings of carbon atoms.Testosterone is a hormone produced by the Leydig's cells in the testes, and which encourages the development male sexual characteristics such as deep voice, a beard, increased muscle mass and bone mass, and growth of hair on the chest.

Cholesterol is the lipid that acts as a chemical messenger in the body, playing a role in cell signaling and hormone production. Therefore, the correct answer is option b.

Cholesterol is the lipid that acts as a chemical messenger. Cholesterol is a sterol, a type of lipid molecule, and it serves as a precursor for the synthesis of various important chemical messengers in the body, including hormones like testosterone and estrogen.

These hormones play key roles in various physiological processes, such as regulating the development and function of reproductive organs, and they act as signaling molecules that help coordinate different activities within the body. Cholesterol also plays a vital role in the structure and function of cell membranes.

The other options (adipose tissue and beeswax) are not typically considered chemical messengers in the same way that cholesterol and hormones are.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b.

Learn more about Chemical messenger lipid here:



The cauda equina:________. a. is a series of nerve roots in the lumbar and sacral region. b. describes the radiating patterns of projection fibers. c. consists of hair like the tail of a horse. d. is confined to the thoracic and cervical segments of the spinal cord.


(A) is a series of nerve roots in the lumbar and sacral region.

When gametes combine to form a zygote, the chromosomes number of the zygote is now referred to asa. diploid.
b. haploid.
c. monoploid.
d. polyploid.


a. diploid

Fertilization is the combined sperm and egg cell to form a zygote.
Sexual reproduction provides genetic variation because the sperm and egg that are produced contain different combinations of genes than the parent organism.  Sexual reproduction involves meiosis which is the process of a cell doubling its DNA, shuffling its genes and then dividing the shuffled DNA among four cells.


The correct answer is a. diploid.


Gametes are haploid entity which contains one genome or one complete set of chromosome a particular organisms. Gametes are represented by (n) and are produce as a result of meiosis in the germ cells during gametogenesis. Fusion or fertilization of a male and a female gamete results into one celled structure called zygote.  The zygote receives two genomes one each from a male gamete and a female gametes. Thus, a zygote contains two sets of chromosomes. ( n+n) = 2n or diploid.  

Which statement about the movement of Earth's crust along a fault line is true? Only horizontal, side-to-side movement occurs along faults. Different types of movement occur along different types of faults. Only vertical, up-and-down movement occurs along faults. Crustal movement does not occur along fault lines.


Different types of movements occur along different types of faults.

Has this on study island answer isnDifferent types of movement occur along different types of faults

Mark knows that animals reflexively blink when air is puffed at their eyes. Now Mark wants to use this fact and classical conditioning to train a rat to blink when it hears a tone. What would the neutral stimulus be in this situation?



the tone is the neutral stimulus


In classical conditioning, as first experimented by Pavlov in his experiment with dogs, the bell that was presented initially was the neutral stimulus which was not capable of eliciting salivation alone. He later paired the neutral stimulus (the bell), with the unconditioned stimulus (meat powder) which naturally elicited salivation. The neutral stimulus then became associated with the unconditioned stimulus to eventually trigger salivation when presented alone.

In the situation of the rat of which Mark wants to train it by applying classical conditioning technique, the tone is the neutral stimulus. Except it is paired with the unconditional stimulus which naturally would make the rat blink, it would only attract the attention of the rat without making it to blink.