. in the 1950s, president eisenhower believed that if one country in southeast asia fell to communism, then the neighboring countries would become communist as well. this concept was known as the domino theory. the domino theory contributed to u.s. military involvement in which country?


Answer 1
Answer: I believe the answer is Vietnam
Answer 2




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Does the Union pay for the Civil War?

The correct answer is printed and borrowed money.

Is printing money the same as borrowing money?

Yes – Simply put, money printing is called “debt monetization” and leads to annoying inflation. It's no go, remember that the whole generation was burned, as it quickly devalues ​​the currency and makes it much harder to borrow in the future.

The amount borrowed or invested is called capital. When you first take out a loan, the principal is the same as the amount you originally borrowed. When you repay this debt, the principal becomes the outstanding balance of the loan, excluding interest and accrued fees.

Learn more about Civil War here




A      printed and borrowed money


Need help asap1. How did construction of aqueducts most impact Roman life? (1 point)
enhanced understanding of human ailments and injuries
improved public sanitation and access to fresh water
sped up transportation across the empire
made it easier for Roman officials to rule the provinces
2. How did the Roman empire support its expansion and integrate culture on three continents? (1 point)
The construction of roads and bridges facilitated trade and communication.
Merchants, artisans, and engineers were granted upper-class status, securing their loyalty.
Building aqueducts, monuments, and other public works employed more people and generated income.
The empire imposed Roman religious beliefs and required subjected peoples to adopt the Latin language.
3. Which of the following is significant about the law of nations? (1 point)
It declared people are innocent until proven guilty.
It gave citizens the right to a trial by jury.
It promoted the rule of law.
It outlined penalties for crimes.
4. How did Romans use science and mathematics to improve the lives of the Roman people? (1 point)
They developed telescopes to accurately map the solar system.
They built roads, aqueducts, and harbors and improved public health.
They developed the use of columns in their architecture.
They developed the first vaccine for smallpox.
5. Which basic principle of today’s laws was unfamiliar to citizens of ancient Rome? (1 point)
The accused can face the accuser and mount a defense.
Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
People of all social classes receive equal treatment.
Judges study the laws and come to fair decisions.
6. What did the poet Horace mean by these words?
Greece has conquered her rude conqueror.
(1 point)
Although Rome ruled Greece, Greece controlled the Roman senate.
Although Greece conquered Rome, Rome conquered Greece culturally.
Although Greece excelled in cultural achievements, Rome had little respect for Greece.
Although Rome conquered Greece, Greece conquered Rome culturally.
7. Which important new idea did Ptolemy put forward? (1 point)
The sun is the center of the universe.
The earth is round.
Comets have oval orbits.
The earth is the center of the universe.
8. Which reforms by Augustus helped unify the empire and integrate cultures? Select all that apply. (2 points)
He made the senate into an efficient civil service.
He allowed cities and provinces a great deal of self-government.
He ordered scholars to collect all provincial laws.
He conducted a census to use as a basis for fairer taxation.


1. How did construction of aqueducts most impact Roman life? (1 point)
(1 point)- improved public sanitation and access to fresh water
2. How did the Roman empire support its expansion and integrate culture on three continents? (1 point)
(1 point)- The construction of roads and bridges facilitated trade and communication
3. which of the following is significant about the law of nations? (1 point)
(1 point)- It promoted the rule of law.
4. How did Romans use science and mathematics to improve the lives of the Roman people? (1 point)
(1 point)- They built roads, aqueducts, and harbors and improved public health.
5. Which basic principle of today's laws was unfamiliar to citizens of ancient Rome? (1 point)
(1 point)- People of all social classes receive equal treatment.
6. What did the poet Horace mean by these words?
"Greece has conquered her rude conqueror."
(1 point)- Although Rome conquered Greece, Greece conquered Rome culturally.
7. Which important new idea did Ptolemy put forward? (1 point)
(1 point)- The earth is the center of the universe.
8. Which reforms by Augustus helped unify the empire and integrate cultures? select all that apply. (2 points)
(2 points)- He allowed cities and provinces a great deal of self-government.(1 point) He conducted a census to use as a basis for fairer taxation.

Just took the test got 100% with these answers, I hope this can help you out. Have a great day and make sure to be safe.

The answers are 
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. B, D

100% correct Cuz their from your CA test.... its a 9/9.

Using your own words explain each narrators argument over taxes


The first narrator argues that taxes should not be seen as a burden but rather as something that society needs to function and provide necessary public services. They believe that everyone should contribute their fair share according to their income. The second narrator argues that taxes are oppressive and that the government has become too dependent on them, leading to inefficient use of resources. They propose a lower flat tax to encourage economic growth and personal responsibility. The third narrator believes that taxes are necessary but that the current system is flawed and unfair, giving loopholes and advantages to the wealthy. They propose a simplified and more progressive tax system to create a more just society.

Which of the following behaviors is not allowed in the Christian and Jewish faiths? A. Convincing someone to change religions
B. Trading tools for food
C. Worshipping more than one god
D. Marrying someone of another faith


Worshiping more than one god. There is only one god in the religions. You could marry someone of another faith, and it "is allowed" to convince someone to change religions. Also, you can, of course, trade food for tools.


worshiping more than on god


it is not allowed because it is against the religion to even believe in more than one god

Why did the United States support France in Vietnam? a. The United States was honoring an old agreement with France.
b. The United States supported France's claim to a colonial empire.
c. The United States needed French approval for a trade agreement.
d. The United States needed French support in Western Europe.


The United States of America supported France in Vietnam because the United States needed French support in Western Europe. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option "d". The United States required the French support to counter the influence of the Russians in Western Europe. 

After World War II and during the early years of the Cold War, the United States supported France in Vietnam because The United States needed French support in Western Europe, option d, in order to gain allies against the Soviet Union and to support capitalist countries in Europe. Also, Vietnam policies aimed for a Communist approach which could lead to more  Asian countries to adopt Communism. Once France lost control of Vietnam, the United States directly interfered in the country.

use multiple causation to explain the relationship between the last ice age and different cultural patterns in the northern and southern united states


It is a probability that during the ice age, the ancient people who are more developed in the civilization migrate to the northern part of the united states while the less developed move to the south. The offsprings that they've created resulted in a different cultural pattern / Behavior between the people in northern and southern united states