Give me info of the aztecs not from wika or google please


Answer 1
Answer: The only thing I know is that the Aztecs were a Mexican tribe/group.

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The Black Death was brought by ticks and they soon corrupted rats. The rats spread the disease. The disease killed people instantly. Once bitten by a rat, there was no cure you were to die in about 3 days. So many people died that others had to dig mass graves or even throw bodies into lakes and rivers.


The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, had a significant impact on the Renaissance. The outbreak, which began in the 14th century and lasted for several decades, resulted in the deaths of millions of people across Europe. As a result of the population loss, there was a shortage of labor, which led to an increase in wages for those who were still alive. This, in turn, led to an increase in social mobility as people were able to move up the social ladder. Additionally, the Black Death also led to a shift in the power dynamics between the nobility and the peasantry, as the nobility's power was diminished due to their higher mortality rate. Furthermore, the plague also had an effect on the economy, as trade and commerce were greatly impacted. Finally, the Black Death caused an intellectual and cultural shift, as people began to question the traditional beliefs about life and death, leading to a new way of thinking that would come to be known as the Renaissance.

Uday Tahlan

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The Battle of Appomattox Court House
Your answer is The Battle of Appomattox Court House.

Hope this helps.

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I believe the answer is c. Hope this Helps!!! :)

Which summarizes the outcome of the Supreme Court case of Worcester v. Georgia?



  • Worcester v. Georgia ruled that the federal government, not a state government, had authority in dealing with relationships with Native American tribal nations. The Cherokee nation won the case at the Supreme Court level.
  • Ultimately, however, the Cherokee lost their land, because Pres. Andrew Jackson refused to enforce the Supreme Court's decision.


The 1832 case, Worcester v. Georgia, ruled unconstitutional a Georgia law requiring non-Native Americans requiring a license from the state to be on Native American land.  In responding to the case, the Supreme Court asserted that the federal government is the sole authority to deal with a Native American nation.  From this Supreme Court assertion came the beginnings of tribal sovereignty within the United States for Native American nations -- that the US government would deal with them as domestic nations inside the United States.

The court case was named after Samuel Worcester, a Christian minister working among the Cherokee who was supportive of the Cherokee cause.  To block the activity of a man like Rev. Worcester, the state of Georgia passed a law prohibiting white persons to live within the Cherokee Nation territory without permission from the Georgia state government.  Worcester and other missionaries challenged this law, and the case rose to the level of a Supreme Court decision.  The decision by the Supreme Court, written by Chief Justice Marshall, struck down the Georgia law and reprimanded Georgia for interfering in the affairs of the Cherokee Nation.  Marshall wrote that Indian nations are "distinct, independent political communities retaining their original natural rights." 

But President Andrew Jackson chose not to enforce the court's decision.  He said at the time: "The decision of the Supreme Court has fell stillborn, and they find that it cannot coerce Georgia to yield to its mandate."  He told the Cherokee that they would need to operate under the jurisdiction of the state of Georgia or else relocate.  This was a step in the direction of what became known as the "Trail of Tears," when the Cherokee were removed from Georgia and moved to territory in Oklahoma.


Geogia won but indians kept land


The Midwest(Describe facts and details about the Midwest that make it different or unique.)

(Name of a cultural landmark in the Midwest.)

(Explain why this landmark is important to the Midwest.)


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The Midwest is different because it is a large, relatively flat expanse of land in the heart of the United States.  An important cultural landmark that falls in the region of the Midwest is Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

Facts about the Midwest that make it unique:

The Midwestern United States are known as "America's Heartland" and it is characterized by a low and flat terrain with the only hills being relatively small and rolling. It also includes part of the area called the Great Plains, which is a vast area that is relatively flat that gradually rise from 1500 to more than 5000 feet above sea level. The Midwest spans from the Rocky Mountains in the west to the Allegheny Mountains in the east and includes the following states: Wisconsin, Ohio, North Dakota, South Dakota, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Nebraska, Michigan, Minnesota, and Missouri.

An important cultural landmark that falls in the region of the Midwest is Mount Rushmore, South Dakota

Mount Rushmore was completed in 1939 and it includes massive sculptures of four of the nation's former presidents: Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson, and Theodore Roosevelt. It has become an iconic national memorial and draws about 2 to 3 million visitors per year. It thus serves its original purpose well as it was intended to draw tourists to the region. It was engineered by artist Gutzon Borglum. The specific presidents who appear were chosen because they separately represent the nation's birth, preservation, growth, and development.  

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