Summarize the levels of organization studied in ecology


Answer 1
Answer: Levels of organization in ecology include:

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The answer is: the water would not be released from the leaves.

Transpiration is a water loss from a plant in the form of water vapor through small pores on the leaves. Plants take water from a soil through roots and release it into atmosphere through the leaves. This happens due to water gradient from the roots to the leaves. If for any reason transpiration stops, the water could not be released from the leaves, and consequently, the less water will be absorbed from the soil.

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A eukariotic cell has a membrane boud nucleaus while on the prokaryotic cells do not.
Then, eaukaryotic cells have more than one chromosomes, while prokaryotic has only one.
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From a cladogram, elephants mammals of the family Elephantidae and from a cladogram under the order of Proboscidea. Also, from the cladogram, we can see that Proboscidea are closely related to Hyracoidea. Among the modern mammals, Hyrax is the most appropriate one which has some characteristics similar to elephants. Hyrax is a herbivous mammal, also called dassies,  which is under the order of Hyracoidea.