Which feature in Access is used to control data entry into database tables to help ensure consistency and reduce errors?O subroutines
O search
O forms
O queries
Which feature in Access is used to control data entry - 1


Answer 1

To control data entry into database tables to help ensure consistency and reduce errors will be known as forms in data entry.

What are forms in data entry?

A form is a panel or panel in a database that has many fields or regions for data input.

To control data entry into database tables to help ensure consistency and reduce errors will be forms.

Then the correct option is C.

More about the forms in data entry link is given below.



Answer 2

The answer is: Forms

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The different variable in C is 21213316700.


Given value:

Total value  = letters + underscore value

Total value  = 52 + 1

Total value =53

choice for first character = 53 letters +10 digits

first character = 63

choice for remaining characters


Variable number With one 1 character = 53

Variable number With 2 character  = 53 × 63

Variable number With 3 character = 53 × 63²

Variable number With 4 character  = 53 × 63³




Variable number With 7 character  = 53 *  63^(7)

Total difference variable = 53 + 53 × 63+ 53 × 63²+ 53 × 63³+....+ 63^(7)

Total difference variable = 53(1 + 63 + 63²+ 63³+ .... + 63^(7))


1+x+x^2+x^3+x^4+........x^n\n\n\Rightarrow  (x^((n+1)) -1)/(x-1)

Total difference variable

53 * (63^(7+1) -1 )/(63-1)\n\n53 * (63^(8) -1 )/(63-1) \n\n \therefore 63^8 = 2.48 * 10^(14)\n\n53 * (2.48 * 10^(14) -1  )/(62)\n\n53 * (1.48 * 10^(14))/(62)\n\n21213316700

Design an algorithm to find all the common elements in two sorted lists of numbers. For example, for the lists (2, 5, 5, 5)
and (2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7), the output should be (2, 5, 5).



while list1 not empty AND list2 not empty {

    if elements at leftmost positions are equal {

        pop element from list1

        pop element from list2

        add element to result_list

    } else {

        pop lowest value from list1 or list2



What is the analysis and complexity of a shell sortalgorithms?


Answer: The shell sort is based on insertion sort. Here the list of elements are divided into smaller sub list which are sorted based on insertion sort.

Its best case time complexity is O(n* logn) and worst case is O(n* log^2 n)


Shell sort is an inplace sorting here we begin by dividing the list into sublist and sorting the list with insertion sort. We create interval for dividing the list into sub list until we reach the smallest interval of 1.

The best case is O(n* logn).

Once upon a time there was a country called Plusplusland. The monetary system they used there was simple: the currency name was the "plussar" and their central bank issued five different banknotes of values 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 plussar.Your task is to write a program for the ATMs of Plusplusland. The program should find the minimal number of banknotes needed to deliver any amount of money to the client.The Treasury Minister has asked you personally to do this. He expects your code to print the values of all the needed banknotes in a row – this is the format accepted by all ATMs in Plusplusland. Your program will require the use of an integer array combined with different loops to process the currency.Test your code using the sample data provided below......Example input125Example output50 50 20 5Example input127Example output50 50 20 5 1 1Example input49Example output20 20 5 1 1 1 1(HINT: Here is an array that maybe helpful for all known banknotes ordered from the most valuable to the leastint banknotes[] = {50, 20, 10, 5, 1} and then use your skill with array related processing combining different kinds of loops)




The answer coded in Javascript is:

function minimalNumbersOfBanknotes(input) {

var banknotes = [50, 20, 10, 5, 1];

var output = '';

 //Each while writes on output variable the banknote and substract the same quantity on input variable.

 //If the input is lesser than the value of while banknote, step into next while.

  for (var i = 0; i < banknotes.length; i++) {

      while(input >= banknotes[i]) {

         output = output + '  ' + banknotes[i];

         input = input - banknotes[i];



 return output;


Question 4(10pt): sum of the max value found in each row Write a function maxSum that takes two parameters; a 2D integer array with 10 columns, and the number of rows. The function must return the sum of the maximum value from each row.



Following is the program in c++ language  

#include <iostream> // header file

using namespace std; // namespace

int maxSum(int ar[][10],int r) // function definition of  maxsum


  int s=0; // varaible declaration

  for(int k=0;k<r;k++)// iterating the loop


      int maximum=ar[k][0]; //finding the maximum value

      for(int k2=0;k2<10;k2++)// iterating the loop


          if(maximum<ar[k][k2]) // check the condition


            maximum=ar[k][k2];   // storing the value in the maximum variable



       s=s+maximum;//adding maximum value to the sum


  return s; // return the sum


int main() // main function


  int ar[][10]={{5,2,8,-8,9,9,8,-5,-1,-5},{4,1,8,0,10,7,6,1,8,-5}}; // initilaized array

  cout<<"sum of maximum value:";

  int t=maxSum(ar,2); // function calling

  cout<<t; // display the maximum value



sum of maximum value:19


Following are the description of Program  

  • The main method declared and initialized an array ar with the column value 10.
  • After that call the method maxsum .The control will move to the function definition of maxsum.
  • In the function header of maxisum there are two value i.e array "ar" and "r".
  • In this function definition, we adding the maximum value to the sum and return the variable "s".
  • In the main function, we print the value.

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the other bulb would not work