Why do u think chaucer identifies all of the pilgrims by their professions


Answer 1
Answer: in that time period you were none in classes and by your job. if you are a knight you are a nobleman and of the high society. They must make the religious journey so... hope this helps

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the answer would be c. Hope I helped 

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A. JoAnne. This name is considered an "iamb", which is a type ofmetrical foot or category of words used in poetry. The iamb refers to aword with one short syllable, followed by a longer stressed syllable. (jo-ANNE, att-EMPT, un-TIL) The other names shown have the oppositestructure, known as a "trochee"
the answer is a. JoAnne 
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it's c on e2020 . . . . . .

Obama talks about different professions in the speech, they aren't just limited to science or writing. Also he is not saying that you should take specific classes, but rather you should try and do your best in every class, because you never know which class may provide you with inspiration or the skills you need later in life.

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What, according to Romeo, is more poisonous than poison? love hate money fate





According to Romeo, it is money which is more poisonous than poison. He reflects on this when he finds out that Juliet is dead, and he wants to join her. Therefore, he goes to the apothecary and tries to buy poison. The apothecary does not want to sell it to him at first, but he really needs the money and ends up doing so. Romeo thinks of how much more damaging money is in the world, and how it is responsible for countless deaths.

Romeo says that money is more poisonous than poison.