On React1) Create counter and an increment button, default value of the counter would be 1, clicking on increment button adds 5 to the counter. The max value of the counter would be 20, after reaching this value , counter would not increment. Add a reset button which would set the counter value to 1.
[8:53 PM]
2) Create a button with label “true” , clicking on the button toggle the value from “true” => “false” and “false” => “true”.(edited)

techsith (patel) — 03/03/2021
3) Create a counter and a button. clicking on the button increments the counter by one. double clicking on the button resets the counter to 0


Answer 1

Answer:too many words ahhh


Answer 2

(assuming jsx)

function Buttons (props) {








var counterValue = 1;

function addup(a){

if(counterValue + a <= 20){

counterValue += a;

} else if (counterValue + a > 20){

//do nothing







function reset() {

counterValue = 1;






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g Write a method that accepts a String object as an argument and displays its contents backward. For instance, if the string argument is "gravity" the method should display -"ytivarg". Demonstrate the method in a program that asks the user to input a string and then passes it to the method.

This problem will be discussed in Lab6. In Lab6, the TAs will also discuss about the solution of Function Problem 1 that required you to write several functions. Additionally, the last week's lab problems on loop will be discussed too, if you need more help on them. See the deadline. You should try your best to complete it within the lab time. First n prime numbers: Write a program that takes a positive integer n as input and prints all the prime numbers from 1 to n.





#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


void printPrime(int n) {

   if (n > 0) {



       for (int i=3; i<=n; i++) {

          bool isPrime = true;


           for (int j=2; j<i; j++) {

               if (i % j == 0) {

                   isPrime = false;





           if (isPrime == true)




   else {

       cout<<"Invalid input";



int main() {

   int n;

   cout<<"Enter positive integer: ";



   return 0;


What is computer?iwhat is computer ​



an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program



a divice to play games on, learn on, and other helpful things


In the Properties dialog box for each folder, the top pane shows the: groups or users with permission to access the folder. groups or users that do not have permission to access the folder:______ A. Degree to which each user or group may interact with the folder and its contents.
B. Degree to which each user or group may interact with other users.


Answer: groups or users with permission to access the folder.


Properties dialog box simply contains the options that allow one to modify a document's look. To do this on the computer, one has to click on the 'Document Properties' which is located in the top-left side of the Document Panel. Then, one will select "Advanced Properties" option and the Properties dialog box will come up on the screen.

In the Properties dialog box for each folder, it should be noted that the top pane shows the groups or users with permission to access the folder while the bottom pane simply shows the degree of interactions of the user or group with the folder and the folder contents.

Which tool, Wireshark or NetWitness, provides information about the wireless antenna strength during a captured transmission?





Wireshark is a free and open source network packet sniffing tool, used for analysing, troubleshooting, software and communication protocol development etc.

It uses various extensions to capture wireless and cabled connections like AirPcap (air packet capture), pcapng ( packet capture next generation.

It uses the device's antenna to capture wireless communication and gives the signal strength, noise ratio and other information of the antenna.

Write a function namedadd_complex that adds the correspondingnumbers of its arguments (both complexstructures), then returns the result (anothercomplex structure)



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct complex{//structure of comlex number..

double real;

double img;


complex add_complex(complex n1,complex n2)//add_complex functrion to add 2 complex numbers..


   double a,b;//variables to hold the sum of real and imaginary.

   complex sum;//result sum complex number.

   a=n1.real+n2.real;//adding real parts.

   b=n1.img+n2.img;//adding imaginary parts..

   sum.real=a;//assinging values to sum.


   return sum;//returning complex number sum.


int main()


 complex c1,c2,sum;

 double a,b;

 cout<<"Enter values of c1"<<endl;




 cout<<"Enter values of c2"<<endl;





 cout<<"The sum is : "<<sum.real<<" + i"<<sum.img<<endl;

 return 0;



Enter values of c1

8.5 7.2

Enter values of c2

4.5 3.9

The sum is : 13 + i11.1


First I have created a structure for complex number.Then created a function to add two complex numbers according to the question which returns a complex number.

Volume of Pyramid = A*h/3 where A is the area of the base of the pyramid and h is the height of the pyramid. Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter the necessary information about the pyramid (note that the user would not know the area of the base of the pyramid, you need to ask them for the length of one of the sides of the base and then calculate the area of the base). Using the information the user input, calculate the volume of the pyramid. Next display the results (rounded to two decimal places). Example Output (output will change depending on user input): The area of the base of the pyramid is: 25.00 The height of the pyramid is: 5.00 The volume of the pyramid is: 41.67 *Pseudocode IS required for this program and is worth 1 point. The program IS auto-graded.



#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()


   double side, height;


   cout<<"Enter the length of one of the sides of the base: ";


   cout<<"Enter the height: ";



   double area = side * side;

   double volume = area * height / 3;


   cout<<"The area of the base of the pyramid is: "<<area<<endl;

   cout<<"The height of the pyramid is: "<<height<<endl;

   cout<<"The volume of the pyramid is: "<<fixed<<setprecision(2)<<volume<<endl;

   return 0;



Declare side, height

Get side

Get height

Set area = side * side

Set volume = area * height / 3

Print area

Print height

Print volume


Include <iomanip> to have two decimal places

Declare the side and height

Ask the user to enter side and height

Calculate the base area, multiply side by side

Calculate the volume using the given formula

Print area, height and volume (use fixed and setprecision(2) to have two decimal places)