
Answer 1
Answer: here i’ve got this,
in number one put yellow and red in the examples
number two explanations put orange green grey and in examples put blue and purple

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I think the answer is Kievan Rus

kievan rus is the correct answer.

Why was Count Charles Henri d'Estaing's attempt to seize Savannah in 1779 a failure? A) Georgia slaves infiltrated allied ships and sabotaged d'Estaing's efforts.
B) At the time of the attempted siege, d'Estaing only had one hundred soldiers.
C) Georgia Tory spies warned General Prevost that Count d'Estaing was on his way.
D) Inadvertently, Count d'Estaing gave the British time to bolster their defenses


at the time of the attempted siege he only had one hundred soldiers

What did David's painting The Oath of the Horatii convey?


David's painting The Oath of the Horatii conveyed a call to revolutionary action.

David's Oath of the Horatii illustrates three men, brothers, saluting toward three swords held up by their father as the women behind him grieve. The revolutionary painting changed French.

Jacques-Louis David painted the Oath of the Horatii in 1784 and now on display in the Louvre in Paris. The painting immediately turnt into a huge success with critics and the public, and remains one of the most famous paintings in the Neoclassical style.

A call to revolutionary action

Who believed in the Ten Commandments?


The main people I would say believed on it at the time it was created were the egyptian slaves and Moses whom found it when God told him to go at the top of Mount Sinai which I think is where he died as well. Other than that those who believe in God and live by the ten commandments including myself believe in the ten commandments.
many Jews and Christians believe in the 10 commandments 

Which was not a contributing factor to the fall of the Roman Empire?


The Roman Empire fell for many reasons. The Roman Empire did not fall because of it's agricultural practices. The Roman Empires capacity to provide food for it's people was a true marvel of both engineering and logistics that utilized an amazing series of aquaducts, roads, and crop rotation to provide for the needs of the Empire.

What are three ways the colonies tried to pay for the american revolution.



Foreign laws,taxes, bonds and IOUs



Three ways the colonies tried to pay for the Americans revolution :

1.Thefoundingofthecolonies: on things to keep in mind is that many of the American colonies were first founded by people trying to escape religious persecution in England.

2.FrenchandIndianwas: the French and Indian war took place between the American colonies and new Frence.

3.Taxes,LawsandmoreTaxes: prior to 1764, the British government has pretty much left the colonists alone to government themselves.