True or false in a physical change, the substance doesn't change its identity


Answer 1
Answer: In a chemical change, a substance cannot change back to the form it used to be in.
Ex. A Rusty Nail
In a physical change, it is reversible to change back into how the substance was; shape or size.
Ex: Freezing liquid is a physical change
I hope you can find the answer to this question with my details!
Hope this helps:)
Answer 2
A physical change are changes which alters a substance without changing its composition. So physical means without changing its substances. For example if we changed a persons appearances it would be a physical change, but that doesn't change who they are as a person or their identity. So, true.

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Answer: The correct answer for the blank is - Parasite and Host.

Parasitism is a type of biological interaction between two organisms where one organism lives on the surface or inside the body of another organism in order to complete its life cycle and obtain essential nutrients. This organism is called parasite and the other is called host, which is harmed usually by that parasite.

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In Africa savanna more wildebeest are born than the environment can support. Which is most likely to happen over a period of years as a result



Individuals that are well suited to the environment reproduce, and those that have lesser adaptations die before they reproduce.


-In Africa savanna more wildebeest are born than the environment can support. As a result over a period of years individuals that are well suited to the environment reproduce, and those that have lesser adaptations die before they reproduce. This is referred to as natural selection.

-Natural selection is the process where organisms with favorable traits are more likely to reproduce. In doing so, they pass on these traits to the next generation. Over time this process allows organisms to adapt to their environment.

As a result of having more wildbeest than the environment can support, over a period of years to come, it is only the ones that are able to adapt to the situation that will survive and give birth to young ones while those that are unable to adapt to the situation will die out. This phenomenon is called the survival of the fittest. Because there were more wildebeest than the food resources that are available, there will be competition and only those who can cope will survive and reproduce while others die out.

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Two components that are very common and often found are:
1. Simple Enzymes which are called like this cause usually are composed of proteins. It is peptide bonds that linked the amino acids 
2. Conjugated Enzymes. They have two parts. The protein and non protein portion.
Hope this helps you greatly

What functions do water have in our bodies?


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Index fossils represents the fossils of the organisms that lived in a particular geological time zone. The index fossils defines a geological time of a dead  organisms. Index fossil ensures that a correct order of geological time appears in a fossil record. The index fossils of organisms that lived for a short period, were abundant and widespread geographically.

Who proposed that new cells formed other cells?


It was Mr. Robert Remak who discoved that new cells are formed from the pre –existing cells. Later on Mr. Rudolf Virchow was the first to accept Mr. Robert’s concept of cell theory and their emergence. Remak found this theory when he was observing red blood cells (RBCs) in the embryo of chicken at all stages of division.

The cell theory is given by Theodor Schwann, Matthias Schleiden, and Rudolph Virchow.

Further explanation:

Cells are the smallest unit of life. It is an essential matter of living. It can be eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus (DNA) packed within the nucleus membrane, whereas prokaryotic cells have circular DNA, which is called a nucleoid. Cells are consisting of cell organelles that help in performing all the cellular activity.

The cell theory defines the basic theory of life that all the living things are formed from the smallest unit called a cell. This theory is proposed by Theodor Schwann, Matthias Schleiden, and Rudolph Virchow. It explains that the cells are formed from pre-existing cells, not from spontaneous generation.

The modern cell theory explains that energy is formed within the cell. The mitochondria, also are known as the powerhouse of the cell, helps in the formation of energy in the form ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). It also explains that cell is the medium through which hereditary information is transformed from one generation to another generation. The nucleus of the cell contains DNA (Deoxyriboses nucleic acid) that carries genetic characteristics. All the cells, either eukaryotic or prokaryotic, have the same chemical composition.

Learn More:

1. Learn more about meiosis

2. Learn more about the process of molecular diffusion in a cell

3. Learn more about human sperm and egg cell

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subjects: Biology

Topic: Human Physiology


Cell, smallest, eukaryotic, prokaryotic, DNA, organelle, spontaneous, mitochondria, energy, adenosine triphosphate, hereditary, genetic, characteristic, chemical.