Explain why animals have specialized excretory organs but plants do not. ...?


Answer 1
Answer: They consume food and they have much higher metabolism. That means that more waste products are produced. Plants can use much of the waste produced and it is in fact raw material. Animals don't normally produce their own chemicals from scratch like plants normally do so they can't just recycle the waste. They need to remove it. About the only waste plants need to get rid of is excess oxygen produced during the day. That is actually three reasons but recycling is related to plants not consuming but making their own chemicals from scratch. In a way it pretty much comes down to one main reason.

I hope my answer has come to your help. Thank you for posting your question here in Brainly. We hope to answer more of your questions and inquiries soon. Have a nice day ahead!
Answer 2


animals are active than plants


i hope my answer has helped

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Layers of epithelial tissue that serve as barriers to pathogens is called



The correct answer is: Mucus membrane.


  • The lining of the epithelial tissue forming the mucus membrane contains some specialised cells which are called the Goblet cells.
  • These cells secrete a slippery substance called the Mucus.
  • The Mucus is a dense, aqueous and slippery substance that is composed of anti-microbial enzymes like lysosyme, immunoglobulins (antibodies) and glycoproteins like mucins.
  • The mucus secreting cells line the internal tracts of the body that come into contact with outside environment, like the respiratory tract, alimentary canal, urino-genital tract.
  • If any microbial pathogen gain access into any of these tracts the lysosyme in the mucus causes the microbial cells to undergo lysis, hence killed.
  • The immunoglobulins, on recognising a pathogen, activate the immune cells of the body to fight against the intruding pathogen.

8. Edible vaccines, a more controversial approach to vaccine development, have been investigated by scientists. Plants can be genetically modified to produce viral proteins and when ingested, these proteins ignite the immune system of the consumer. What are the advantages to edible vaccines? What are some of the possible disadvantages?


Edible vaccines are inexpensive therefore it is easy to be mass-produced. They are also stable at room temperature and no refrigeration is needed. However, a disadvantage is that oral tolerance can be developed because of the regular intake of the vaccine.


to prevent widespread diseases in developing countries without using syringes



brainstorm to create a list of 4 human activities that interfere with ecosystems, food chains and food webs.


1) our method of bodily waste disposal (we don't create detritus in as many ways)
2) industrialisation (destroying ecosystems, pretty self explanatory)

When the pericardium fills with blood, it produces a condition called cardiac tamponade, which can be rapidly lethal. why is this condition so dangerous?



The fibrous pericardium is not distensible, which causes the blood to put pressure on the heart, constricting it and reducing its ability to contract


-Cardiac tamponade is a clinical syndrome caused by the accumulation of fluid in the pericardial space, resulting in reduced ventricular filling and subsequent hemodynamic compromise.

-The most common causes of cardiac tamponade are; rupture of an aortic aneurysm (a bulge in the wall of the aorta), advanced lung cancer, acute pericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium), a heart attack, and heart surgery.

The chart matches messenger RNA codons with amino acids.A DNA strand has the codon AAT. According to the chart, the corresponding messenger RNA codes for which amino acid?



The answer is leucine


The transcript of AAT is UUA, which is the code for leucine. Using the chart, first find the U on the left, for the first position. Then, go to the first column to find the U for the second position. This means it has to be either phenylalanine(phe) or leucine(leu(). To determine, use the last letter, A, on the right hand side of the chart. Since this is found in the bottom half of the U-U box, it must correspond to leucine.

The corresponding codon to AAT would be AAU, which would code for Asparagine. During mRNA coding, the tyrosine nucleotides transfer over to uracil, which gives the U in place of the T. Transfer RNA will then code for UUA, the complements to AAT.

which of the following types of mutations would be advantageous for the survival of a cancer cell? a) An inactivating mutation in an oncogene Advantageous: b) An inactivating mutation in a tumor suppressor gene c) An inactivating mutation in a gene that promotes apoptosis d) Methylation of the promoter of a tumor suppressor gene


Answer choice C is correct. Apoptosis is a programmed death within a cell. What allows cancer cells to rapidly spread so fast is the face that they do not undergo apoptosis, so a mutation that prevents apoptosis will allow the cancer cells to thrive and multiply.