Palabras en ingles q rimen con skate


Answer 1
Answer: English words that ryme with skate are:
~Bait, Late, estate, hate, wait, slate, date, great, gate, eight, relate.
Hope this helps! :) 
Answer 2
plate, late, slate, grate, wait, fate, freight, rate, trait, eight, ate, crate

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Mother Earth . . . is no more than the commonality of organisms and the physical environment they maintain with each passing moment, an environment that will destabilize and turn lethal if the organisms are disturbed too much. . . . To disregard the diversity of life is to risk catapulting ourselves into an alien environment. We will have become like the pilot whales that inexplicably beach themselves on New England shores.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "The author uses logos to develop his argument by providing factual information." Every animal, plant and human needs the primary physiological needs of water, food and shelter provided by the abiotic system.   


The choice that best expresses the type of appeal Wilson uses in this passage is The author uses pathos to develop his argument by including emotionally charged language to evoke a response.


The question is not complete since it does not provide neither the question nor the options to answer it.

Here is the information:

Which of the following choices best expresses the type of appeal Wilson uses in this passage?

* The author uses logos to develop his argument by providing factual information about pilot whales in New England.

* The author uses logos to develop his argument by gaining sympathy for the pilot whales in New England.

* The author uses pathos to develop his argument by including emotionally charged language to evoke a response.

* The author uses pathos to develop his argument by chastising the reader for the destruction of the environment.

This paragraph uses pathos which is a technique that has the purpose of triggering the emotions on the readers, even when this paragraph is full of factual information and it could be considered an example of logos, at first sight, all the sentences add a mysterious line where people are not really in control of the way life behaves which could make it emotional.

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Learn more about Miss Fairchild at



Miss Fairchild was glaring at the handcuffs. The glum faced man asked her not to worry as it was Mr. Easton's business as a marshal to handcuff the convict (the glum-faced man) to keep him from getting away.


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Choose all answers that are correct.
a. others
b. allow
c. prohibit
d. some


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Prospero wants to test his magical powers.


C. I know for a fact because i did the play last year!!