**PLEASE HELP**Journal: Equity and Education: How does media and social media play a role?

In this assignment, you will be writing a two paragraph journal. In the first paragraph, describe the ways you have seen the discussion of racism, equal rights, or equity show up in various media platforms, including your social media platforms. Has it influenced you or educated you? Has it made you more aware of systemic racism? Has it motivated you to make a change?
In the second paragraph, describe ways in which you can help make this world a more accepting and compassionate place? How can you contribute to making society more equitable, and more fair to all people, particularly people who are considered to be a part of minority groups? ​


Answer 1


Many discussions of racism equal rights, and/or equity show up on various media platforms. This had made many people on social media platforms more aware of the racism around the globe. It has made me more aware of the racism that goes on today. It has really opened my eyes to what the world truly is. Even though there are good people, one bad person can outdo all the good in the world with one bad/wrong move.

Being part of a minority isn't fun. Many have targets on their backs because they look different, sound different, have different religions, etc. Standing up for what is right and not letting anyone get away with racism would be an amazing place to start when it comes to being able to contribute to society.


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There are different types of cuisine that is present in different parts of united states of america such as steak, potatoes , lobster, stone crabs and seafood, fish, oysters etc. The ingredient used in mostly in american cuisine are black pepper, soy sauce, chilli power, curry powder and Sriracha. American cuisine comprise of fusion type i.e. mixture of some other culture.

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The conclusion is that there is a great difference occurs in the taste and consumption of food in american peoples with the passage of time.

Final answer:

Mexican cuisine is a popular type of international cuisine in the United States, known for its diverse cooking styles, flavorful ingredients, and bold tastes. Its development in the United States has involved a combination of traditional Mexican recipes and adaptations to suit American consumers' preferences.



International cuisine has become increasingly popular in the United States, offering a diverse range of cooking styles, ingredients, and flavors. One popular type of international cuisine in the United States is Mexican cuisine.

Main Body:

Mexican cuisine features a unique cooking style that includes techniques such as grilling, frying, and stewing. Common ingredients used in Mexican dishes include corn, beans, chili peppers, tomatoes, onions, and various types of meats. The cuisine is known for its bold and spicyflavors, with tastes ranging from tangy and savory to spicy and sweet.

Mexican cuisine has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It originated from the indigenous cultures of Mexico, such as the Aztecs and Mayans, who cultivated crops like corn and beans. Over time, Mexican cuisine has been influenced by Spanish colonization and the introduction of European ingredients, such as garlic and olive oil.

In the United States, Mexican cuisine has undergone some modifications to accommodate the preferences of US consumers. For example, Tex-Mex cuisine is a fusion of Mexican and American flavors, featuring dishes like nachos and burritos. Additionally, Americanized Mexican dishes often incorporate ingredients like cheese and sour cream.


Mexican cuisine is a popular type of international cuisine in the United States, known for its diverse cooking styles, flavorful ingredients, and bold tastes. Its development in the United States has involved a combination of traditional Mexican recipes and adaptations to suit American consumers' preferences. Mexican cuisine exemplifies the multicultural nature of the United States' culinary landscape.

Learn more about Mexican cuisine here:



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Etymology. First attested in English in Thomas Howell's 1570 New Sonnets and Pretty Pamphlets in the couplet "Counte not thy Chickens that vnhatched be, / Waye wordes as winde, till thou finde certaintee", possibly based off similar medieval and early modern Latin fables and maxims.