What do we call the religion of the ancient Hebrews?


Answer 1
Answer: Hmm. Trick question. The answer would be Judaism. Judaism was created by Abraham in the early times. Abraham wanted to invent his own religion. Then a lot of people started following him and that's how Judaism started
Answer 2

I agree with Andres2003, I think it's Judaism

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did not foster trust and cooperation.


Developing more favorable attitudes among participants in a dispute in cooperative situations fosters greater mutual trust and openness of communication, as well as providing a more stable basis for continued cooperation, despite the growth or undermining of certain objectives. This also encourages a perception of similarity of attitudes. However, communication does not bring the same benefits when participants are competitors. In this case, communication does not foster trust and cooperation.

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i believe it is interventionism. If you just take out the -ism parts and read the words, you can understand the ideas a little more easily. Interventionism basically means intervening, and so you are going into the middle of it and being a part of it. 
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Nelson Mandela was one of the "giants" Barrack Obama refers to in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech who received the prize before him. There were several other "giants" that Barrack Obama referred to also and they were King, Marshall and Schweitzer. I hope this answer comes to your help.


Nelson Mandela


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B. Isolationist.

The term that best describes US foreign policy during the period between the two world wars (1918-1939) is "isolationist." Following the end of World War I, the United States adopted a policy of isolationism, which aimed to avoid involvement in foreign conflicts and maintain a focus on domestic affairs. This policy was characterized by a reluctance to enter into international alliances or commitments, such as the League of Nations, and a desire to maintain strict neutrality in global affairs. The US Congress also passed legislation like the Neutrality Acts to prevent the US from becoming entangled in foreign conflicts. It was not until the outbreak of World War II that the United States shifted away from isolationism and adopted a more interventionist foreign policy.

1)What caused the Cold War to begin?2)who do you think was responsible for the Cold War?
3)Did the Cold War have to continue into the late 1980s or could it have ended. EXPLAIN!!


The Cold War was the geopolitical, ideological, and economic struggle between two world superpowers, the USA and the USSR, that started in 1947 at the end of the Second World War and lasted until the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 26, 1991.

As General Patton knew, Russia was never the ally of America.  Since Russia was never an ally, there was no reason to have allowed Russia after WWII to divide Germany and to access some of the "brain power" which helped with the development of nuclear weapons.  And, had the U.S. done what Patton suggested--namely, go into Russia at the end of WWII, the U.S.S.R. would not have developed as it did.  Therefore, there would have been no Cold War.  Blame goes to the U.S.

the cold war started immediately after ww2 between the USA and Russia (Soviet Union) due to the USA's fear that the soviet union could continue to spread communism in Europe/Asia.  both the USA and the Soviet union are responsible and, although this could be thought of as personal opinion, no, the cold war definitely could've ended much sooner than the 1980's. it continued as a race between the two on who was the strongest/ best country, all the way up to the race to who could get to space first.   

Ronald Reagan was born in the state of _____. Pennsylvania Ohio Indiana Illinois


Ronald Reagan was born in the state of Illinois.

Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911-2004) was an American actor and politician, the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989 and the 33rd governor of the state of California between 1967 and 1975.

Born in Tampico, Illinois, Reagan moved to Los Angeles, California, in 1928, where he worked as an actor, was president of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and spokesman for General Electric. His initiation into politics occurred during his work at GE; originally a member of the Democratic Party, he changed to the Republican Party in 1962 at the age of 51. After giving an enthusiastic speech in support of the 1964 presidential candidacy of Barry Goldwater, he was persuaded to achieve the governorship of California, winning it two years later and for the second time in 1970. He was defeated in his race for the presidential republican nomination in 1968 and in 1976, but he won both the nomination and the elections in 1980, becoming President of the United States of America.

Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois in 1911.