1. Which sports club are you in? 2. I am in the ping-pong club. 3. Which sports club are you on? 4. I am on the ping-pong club. ====================== Which expressions are correct? In this case, do we have to use 'in' or 'on'? Are both prepositions OK?


Answer 1
Answer: 1 and 2 are correct.yes both prepositions are ok.

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1.       How does the epigram affect this scene?

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What is the best strategy for organizing an essay to describe events in time sequence? order of importance spatial chronological comparison and contrast'


The correct answer is C. Chronological


In texts including essays information can be organized following different patterns, most common patterns include order of importance in which information is organized from important details to minor details; comparison and contrast in which two or more elements are analyzed to find the differences and similarities; spatial organization in which details are organized according to space and chronological organization in which information is organized according to time. Additionally, to this, the pattern of organization used mainly depends on the purpose of the writer and the information to be included.

Considering this, in the case someone wants to describe events in time sequence the best strategy for organizing the information is "chronological" as in this type of pattern or strategy information is organized according to dates, historical periods and in general terms according to time, which allows the writer to understand the way events are organized and evolve; therefore, this type of strategy would help someone to describe events in time sequence or in chronological order.

the best way to organize something dealing with time would be chronological!

A project manager notes that during the "Buy Books for Africa 5K Race" event they ran out of water at the finish line when the race was only halfway complete. How could this problem be resolved if the event is held again the following year? A. The event should not have water at all. B. The event should install water fountains along the race route. C. The event should contact a T-shirt company for more donations. D. The event could find a bottled water company to sponsor the event.



I believe the best answer to be letter D. The event could find a bottled water company to sponsor the event.


Let's briefly analyze each option according to the type of event.

Letter A says there should be no water at all. - Every event should have water available for the participants, and in this case even more so because the participants are racing. They will need water to rehydrate.

Letter B claims water fountains should be installed along the race. - This presents multiple problems. Volunteers and money would be needed to proceed with the installation, which means more costs and more work to be done. Plus, it is not practical for the racers. As we know, racers do not stop to drink water during the race. They reach for bottles on the side of the route and drink from them while running.

Letter C states the event should contact a T-shirt company for more donations. - That could be done but, if a company agrees to donate instead of sponsor, we have a different purpose for the money. Donations to buy books are the purpose of the race. Using the money to buy water makes no practical sense.

Letter D is the best option. If a bottled water company agrees to sponsor the event, that means they will provide the event with the much-needed water. There will be no need for more volunteers to install water fountains, nor more money to spend on buying water. The problem is solved in a more direct - and much simpler - way.

B. The event should install water fountains along the race route.
D. The event could find a bottled water company to sponsor the event.
Both answers will both have a positive effect on the racers. |

Hope this helps!

What type of evidence is used in this excerpt from "The Crisis, No.1" by Thomas Paine?I once felt all that kind of anger, which a man ought to feel, against the mean principles that are held by the Tories: a noted one, who kept a tavern at Amboy, was standing at his door, with as pretty a child in his hand, about eight or nine years old, as I ever saw, and after speaking his mind as freely as he thought was prudent, finished with this unfatherly expression, "Well! give me peace in my day." Not a man lives on the continent but fully believes that a separation must some time or other finally take place, and a generous parent should have said, "If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."



Anecdotal evidence.


Anecdotal evidence is information obtained from a subjective report, an observation, or some kind of example that may or may not be reliable. In addition, anecdotal evidence is not scientifically valid and can not be generalized to a larger group or other conditions elsewhere.  Based on this concept, we can conclude that the above text is anecdotal evidence.


Anecdotal evidence.


Which one of the following phrases contains vivid words that create imagery?A. Cotton-like clouds
B. Twenty soldiers
C. Traveled far
D. Sang a solo


The correct option is A

The author refers to an intangible object and compares it to another from the word. The birth and evolution of the writing marks a dialectic between the images and the alphabetic writing from which, the images and the text take their own positions diverging or approaching to a greater or lesser extent.

The correct answer is A. Cotton-like clouds.

This is correct because by using this type of description, the author not only brings a visual image to mind, but also what the clouds feel like or behave like which is a more detailed description.