Why where some Frenchmen skeptical of the American model


Answer 1
Answer: Because they're afraid of change
Answer 2
Answer: They were afraid / scared of change in the world.

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The fundamental cause of the Great Depression and Great Recession lie in the activities of the government. On account of the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve, in the wake of keeping loan costs misleadingly low during the 1920s, brought financing costs up in 1929 to stop the subsequent blast. That helped interfere with speculation.

The obligation exceptional measurement shows that the Great Recession was not over by mid-2012 and would be more terrible than the Great Depression; just the initial segment of that projection ended up being valid by mid-2014. Both the Great Depression and the 2001 downturn followed long stretches of outstanding efficiency development 1 in the economy.

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The story of his ruin is simple and obvious; and, instead of inquiring why the Roman Empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had been subsisted so long. What argument is the author making in this passage?


The answer to your question is:

"It is a wonder that Rome did not fall even sooner."

Hope this helped. :)


The answer is: "It is a wonder that Rome did not fall even sooner."


How did ruby bridges son died


shot dead on a street corner in New Orleans.
Her son Craig was shot dead on a new Orleans street corner.