What sparked off Shays's Rebellion?


Answer 1
Answer:   What started Shays Rebellion was the tax on the making of whiskey. 
                                               THE STORY:
 Well, quite alot of the western farmers of Pennsylvania would make whiskey from excess corn. And congress needed some money and thought that taxing the excess corn would bring more income. But the effect of that tax, the farmers were'nt very happy and many banded together to stop the courts from seizing their land. (Land was being seized by the court to make up for the farmers' debts from taxing.) 
Answer 2
Answer: During the time when the Articles of confederation were still being used, the state taxes were very high. The federal government couldn't help control the taxes because they didn't have the power to do so. Farmers didn't have enough money so their debt was high. If they had high debt, they were sent to court and could possibly go to jail. So, daniel shays led a rebellion against it.

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During the Mexican-American War, the United States and Mexico fought over land in the Northwest. land in the Southwest. independence for Mexico. payment for California.


The Mexican-American war was one of the most significant wars that were fought between the nations before the regions near New Orleans around the were Mississippi river under American territory.

The correct statement is that during the Mexican-American war, the United States and Mexico fought over the land in the Southwest. So, the correct option is B.

What happened during the Mexican-American war?

The Southwestern region was considered as one of the most important regions for American territory as most of the African Americans were present in this area. It was also a trade route.

Being near the Mississippi river, the control over such territories that had existed on the American boundaries in Mexico was important for the carry of trade activities.

Eventually, Thomas Jefferson was successful in defeating Mexico to gain control over the region of New Orleans.

Hence, the correct option is B that the US and Mexico fought over the land in the South-West during the Mexican-American war.

Learn more about the Mexican-American war here:


Correct answer:  Land in the Southwest


The Mexican Cession was territory ceded (meaning given up) to the United States in 1848 after the Mexican-American War.  The territory included lands that represent the full states of California, Nevada, and Utah, as well as large portions of  Arizona and New Mexico, and about a quarter of what would become the state of Colorado.  There was also a small section of Wyoming involved.  So that represents the bulk of territory that is in Southwest of the present United States.

Which development was the CAUSE of the other three in western europe?a. growth of the factory system
b. air and water pollution
c. decrease in percentage of people working as farmers
d. increase in the number and size of cities


This one is the cause:
growth of the factory system.

Growth of the factory system lead to pollution (from the factory chimneys), it made people move from farms to the cities and as a result the number and size of cities increased.


growth of the factory system


took the test

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The Pan – Africans change the opinions of Africans to aid them by imbuing them about their ideology about unity, the Pan - Africanism. They believed that being united, it will help their economy to rise because they will have the same goal for their country. 

After the successful Allied invasion of the Philippines in late 1944, what did the Japanese prepare for?


The Japanese prepared for the invasion of India.
During the World War 2, the Allied Forces successfully invaded Philippines in 1944. The allied forces continued the two main drives which begun the previous years. A long-planned invasion of India and also by fending Chinese offensive was prepared by Japan in East Asia.

In what speech did President Kennedy say "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country"?a. his inauguration speech
b. his first State of the Union address
c. his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention
d. his address to the United Nations


It was in "a. his inauguration speech" that President Kennedy said "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country", since he wanted to shift the focus to domestic service. 


The answer is A)  His Inauguration Speech.   According to USATestPrep.
