What is the purpose of a political party’s platform? A. to persuade voters that the party cares about them B. to state the goals of the party and its position on issues C. to express the ideology that party candidates must and will uphold D. to show voters that party members support the same ideals as the voters


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is B.

A is incorrect because, while a large goal of a political party is to persuade voters, the platform itself is not to show that they care about the voters.
C is incorrect because, again, while this may be a goal of a political party, the platform itself is not used to enforce an ideology.
D is incorrect, because a political party's platform does not always align with the voters' ideals. 
Answer 2

Final answer:

A political party’s platform is crucial because it states the party's goals and positions on key issues. It helps align party members, informs voting decisions, and guides party candidates during their campaign. The platform often results from negotiations within the party and aims to provide mutual benefits.


The main purpose of a political party’s platform is to state the goals of the party and its position on issues. The platform is a collection of the party's positions on key issues that the party considers important. This political direction helps to align the party members, provide voters a clear view of the party's stands, and guide the party's candidates in making consistent campaign decisions. The candidates then campaign throughout the country to win the favor of their party members and public.

Political parties aim to gain control over the government by winning elections and the party platform plays a role in voting decisions of party supporters. For example, a voter who identifies as a Republican would likely support a candidate from the same party because of the shared belief, for instance, in smaller government and lower taxes.

It is important to note that party platforms can result from a negotiation between various coalitions within the party — the platform ensures that everyone in the party will receive some benefits if their candidates win the election. In this manner, political parties are responsible for coordinating party behavior and supporting party candidates.

Learn more about Political Party’s Platform here:



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Final answer:

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Learn more about German Militarism here:



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In just 40 years, Americans dealt with:a civil war
millions of freed slaves
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The U.S. was forced to deal with profound changes in a relatively short period of time. For example, in just forty years, Americans dealt with:

a civil war

millions of freed slaves

industrial revolution

millions of new immigrants

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so basically all of the above,

Including burgeoning city populations.

i hope this helps someone :)