Which is an example of a character's conflict with others? A.
Ariadne's desire to help Theseus versus the loyalty she feels towards her father

The king's sadness over leaving Jason with Chiron

Baucis and Philemon's wish to live happily in their home and die together

Perseus's effort to escape from the Gorgons after he kills Medusa


Answer 1

There are several types of conflicts in literature:

You have:

1. Man versus Self

2. Man versus another character

3. Man versus nature (ex. To build a Fire by Jack London)

4. Man versus Society (ex: Atlas Shrugged)

In this case I would think that the conflict is found in D: Perseus's effort to escape from the Gorgons after he kills Medusa.

The reason why I feel that D is the best option is because There is a cause and effect of the conflict. Pereus caused a death and now that brings conflict into the picture especially since it says he has to put effort into escaping the other characters (Gorgons).

Good luck and I hope this helped.

Answer 2

d its d hopefully this helps man

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the correct answer here is: you. Specifically, it's "an understood you" - answer C. It is called like this, because the word "you" does not actually appear in the sentence, but it's there nonetheless, it's "understood" that it's there. In this sentence, the subject is "you" and the verb is "stop and take".

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Hope this helps you!


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"A Valentine"by Edgar Allan Poe

1. For her this rhyme is penned whose luminous eyes,
2. Brightly expressive as the twins of Leda,
3. Shall find her own sweet name, that nestling lies
4. Upon the page, enwrapped from every reader.
5. Search narrowly the lines!-they hold a treasure
6. Divine-a talisman-an amulet
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8. The words-the syllables! Do not forget
9. The trivialest point, or you may lose your labor
10. And yet there is in this no Gordian knot
11. Which one might not undo without a sabre,
12. If one could merely comprehend the plot.
13. Enwritten upon the leaf where now are peering
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15. Three eloquent words oft uttered in the hearing
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19. Still form a synonym for Truth-Cease trying!
20. You will not read the riddle, though you do the best you can do.
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The best description of a Gordian knot in lines 10 and 11, means that eventhough a poem could be difficult to understand ( as undoing a gordian knot) every reader must interpret it easily, paying attention to every line or merely  comprehending the plot.


it means impossible knot


i hope this helps

Can anyone help me out with this one?Dear Citizens of Triston,

As a concerned citizen of Triston and a member of the North Carolina Conservation of Nature Council, I am asking for the community's help with a serious issue. First, I want to congratulate our town's mayor and city council for planning to build a new community theater. However, do they realize that building the theater on Asbury Woodlands will destroy the prime breeding ground for an endangered species?

The Bachman's warbler is a small bird about four inches in length. This green-backed bird has a bright yellow belly and face and is sometimes confused with the similarly colored hooded warbler.

Since 1897, the population of the Bachman's warbler in North Carolina has decreased from more than 500,000 to fewer than 100. The main reason is the destruction of the areas (like Asbury Woodlands) that it uses for its natural breeding grounds. Bachman's warblers prefer thickly wooded swamps and wet thickets in heavy, full-grown forests where they can build their nests and feed on insects.

This does not mean that we cannot build a community theater. A similar situation recently arose in Cape Pristo, North Carolina. Nobel Hotels canceled its plans to build a high-rise structure when it became known that the roseate tern, another endangered bird, was living in the suggested location. Nobel Hotels put up a new building several miles down the beach from the original location, and the roseate tern kept its home.

Our community has forever prided itself on caring for our natural surroundings. The city council has promised that the proposed theater will be "highly tasteful" and that the structure will "complement the spirit of our town."

The city council's honorable concern for the endangered Bachman's warbler would smooth the feathers of many voters. With their help and the support of our townspeople, future generations will appreciate the beauty of this little bird.

Redmond Harris

Which statement best captures the main argument of this editorial?

a)Protecting the woodlands will give future generations a chance to appreciate the beauty of endangered species of birds.

b)The city council should not be allowed to pursue city projects that will decrease the population of endangered birds.

c)The need to conserve Asbury Woodlands to protect endangered species far outweighs that of providing a community theater.

d)Conserving Asbury Woodlands is important because Bachman's warblers prefer thickly wooded swamps to build their nests and feed on insects.


The statement that best captures the main argument of the editorial is C. The need to conserve Asbury Woodlands to protect the endangered species far outweighs that of providing a community theater. You can glean this from the sentence that states that preserving the area would smooth the feathers of voters.