Help please!!!! what did the abbasid empire do diffrently than the umayyad empire


Answer 1
Answer: Umayyad was more opened while Abbasid didn't want to interact with non-Arabs
Answer 2
Answer: Umayyad was more filled while Abbasid didn't want to interact with non-Arabs

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The Marshall Plan, implemented by the United States after World War II, directly supported the Truman Doctrine and the policy of containment.

The Truman Doctrine, announced in 1947, aimed to prevent the spread of communism, particularly in Europe.

The Marshall Plan provided substantial economic aid to war-ravaged countries, including those vulnerable to communist influence. By assisting in the post-war reconstruction and economic recovery of Western Europe, the plan bolstered these nations against the appeal of communism.

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Learn more about Truman Doctrine here


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B.the aqueducts
C.the Pantheon
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Answer: B.the aqueducts


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