Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living things?A. growth and development
B. ability to move
C. response to the environment
D. ability to reproduce


Answer 1
Answer: The answer which is not a characteristic of all living things is B. ability to move.
Just take plants for example - they are indeed alive, but they remain stationary because they do not have the means to move. Every living thing grows and develops, has a certain response to the environment, and can reproduce, in one way or another.
Answer 2
Answer: The ability to move because not all living things can move like plants they cannot move but they can respond to their surrounding/ environment, ability to reproduce, and growth and development like all living things do to live/survive

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Which best describes reproduction? User: Which best describes reproduction? Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are identical to the parent. Sexual reproduction allows for diploid gametes to combine to increase genetic variation. Asexual reproduction leads to the formation of haploid gametes. Sexual reproduction does not require the production of gametes.


The answer is: asexual reproduction produces offspring that are identical to the parent.

The three other statements are incorrect for the following reasons:
Sexual reproduction allows for diploid gametes to combine to increase genetic variation: in sexual reproduction there are haploid gametes.
- Asexual reproduction leads to the formation of haploid gametes: gametes are not formed in asexual reproduction.
 - Sexual reproduction does not require the production of gametes:
sexual reproduction DOES require the production of gametes.

The correct answer is option A

Asexual reproduction can be defined as the process by which an individual produces offspring that is completely identical to its parents.

The genetic makeup and phenotype of the organism is completely same as like that of its parents.

This is generally seen in organisms like amoeba, planaria, euglena, et cetera.

______ is defined as a group of organisms that look alike and can interbreed


They are a species, the definition is:
A group of organisms that have similar characteristics and can interbreed to produce fertile offspring

A woman who has blood type A positive has a daughter who is type O positive and a son who is type B negative. Rh positive is a trait that shows simple dominance over Rh negative and is designated by the alleles R and r, respectively. A third gene for the MN blood group has codominant alleles M and N. Which of the following is a possible phenotype for the father?
A) A negative
B) O negative
C) B positive
D) AB negative
E) impossible to determine


The answer is C) B positive.

A mother has either AA or AO genotype. Since her daughter has OO genotype, the one O allele is from a father and one is from the mother.  Thus, mother must have allele O. So mother's genotype is AO.

A mother with AO genotype will pass to her son either A or O allele. Since son is type B negative, it could inherit from mother only O allele. Son's genotype is BO. This means that he inherited from the father B allele.

Father has either BO or BB genotype. Since his daughter has OO genotype, she must inherit one O allele from the father. Thus, the father has BO genotype.

Talking of Rh, her son is type B negative. A negative Rh phenotype contains both recessive alleles r, so the mother must have allele r (she is either Rh+ heterozygous, or Rh- homozygous). The same is with father - he  is either Rh+ heterozygous, or Rh- homozygous.

Taking into consideration the function of the types of tissue and their integrated role in the how the body works, which types of tissue play a role in protecting the body from internal and external hazards?I. epithelial
II. muscle
III. connective
IV. nervous
I and III
III and IV
I, II, and IV
I, II, III, and IV



The correct answer is option D, I, II, III, and IV


The function of four tissues in protecting the body from internal and external hazards

a) Epithelial tissue – It is a sheet of cell cover exterior surfaces of the body and also is present in the internal lining of cavities and passageways

b) Connective tissue – It connects cells and organs of the body together to make sure that they all  helps in the protection, support, and integration of different  parts of the body.  

c) Muscle tissue – Helps in  stimulating  and contracting to provide movement

d) Nervous tissue – Causes  propagation of electrochemical signals in the form of nerve impulses to communicate with all the regions of the body  

I just took the review the correct answer is D, I, II, III, and IV

Process in which minerals fill in pore spaces of an organisms tissues.


It's Permineralization

How much weight should a teen gain during pregnancy?



It depends on the weight of teen before getting pregnant.

25 to 35 pounds should be weight gain for average weight girl , for underweight girl it should be 28 to 40 pounds and 15 to 25 pounds for overweight girl.


Nutrition , exercise is must for healthy teen pregnancy. All essential vitamins , minerals iron , calcium , folic acid should be in the diet. Low intake of essential diet leads risk of low weight of  baby , also may be other health complications. Alcohol, smoking , drugs should avoid during pregnancy.