Can someone please write a 5 paragraph essay explaining what makes a good mother


Answer 1
Answer: I won't write the essay for you but I will give you 5 things to talk about in your essay.

A good mother should

1. Teach Respect and Discipline
2. Teach Responsibility (picking up after yourself, dishes, earning stuff)
3. Be soft but firm (be a parent NOT a friend)
4. Give freedom but to much (set a curfew, make sure you know were they are, who they're with and what they are doing.)
5. Give good education and awnser ALL questions

I'm 15 and I have a great mom but have still be around horrible ones. This is just what I've learnt over the years and what I've heard my mom give other moms advice. :)

I hope I helped :)
Answer 2
Answer: I won't write the essay for you but I could give you some topic ideas:D-discipline and setting boundaries-keeping up with their grades and making sure they are doing well in school-spending time with them-trusting them

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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "The better-dressed individuals were generally more affluent and thus had a better chance of being spared relocation." The message is Spiegelman trying to convey in the panel is that The better-dressed individuals were generally more affluent and thus had a better chance of being spared relocation.

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More information about the holocaust in the link:

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The figure of speech used in the sentence above is:

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The correct answer should be
Herein thou hast no part, nor e'en the gods
In heaven; and thou usurp'st a power not thine.

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b the new puppy which mom and dad gave billy last week chewed up half of chapter 15 in his favorite book

B is the answer that I think I correct

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What is the purpose of interviewing yourself?to gather details for your narrative
to narrow the topic of your narrative
to organize your narrative
to ensure all information is factual


The correct answer is A. To gather details for your narrative


Narratives are reports related to events or situations in a written or oral way and include fictional or real events tell by a person. Narratives are used for multiple purposes and fields including literature, theatre, visual arts, and research, in some cases narratives are used to know the experiences of people to create materials with it such and videos and others or to understand their experiences, these narratives are mainly gathered through interviews, that means you interview other people or interview yourself, this information allows you to gather details related to your experience or other people experiences that give you material to work with and create narratives, study the way people experienced events or create other material such as reports, videos, among others. Thus, if you interview yourself, this will allow you to gather details for the narrative that can be used for multiple purposes.

To gather details for your narrative. -gradpoint