When we hear the phrase 'once upon a time,' we know a story is about ... Learn what sequence words are and how to use them,


Answer 1


a story is about to Begin

"once upon a time" is an example of the use of sequence words


When we hear the phrase "once upon a time" we know that a story is about to Begin. andThis phrase is an example of a sequence of words .

Sequence words are used to mainly organize a story so that the reader can understand the events that occurred in the story . examples of such words include : "then" , "when" "later"  and so on

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Lincoln vows to care for those injured by the war.

"Charity for all" and ". . . to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan,. .." are the main examples of Lincoln's intention to care for those injured in the war.

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I apologize for the confusion, but Alice Walker is not the author of "Everyday Use." The correct author of "Everyday Use" is Alice Walker herself. There isn't an accident mentioned in the story related to Alice Walker's early life. "Everyday Use" is a short story that focuses on themes of heritage, identity, and the tension between tradition and progress. It tells the story of a mother and her two daughters, Dee and Maggie, and their conflicting perspectives on their family's quilts and other objects.


A phrase is a word group with a subject or a verb but not both.a. True
b. False
2. A clause is a word group that has both a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought.
a. True
b. False
3. In the sentence After eating, Leslie took her test, is "After eating" a phrase or a clause?
4. How many clauses are in the following sentence?
Before he left the meeting, Bill took the folder.


1.    a. True

2.    a. True

3.    a. Phrase

4.    There are two clauses in this sentence, the independent (Bill took the folder) and dependent (Before he left the meeting) clauses. The dependent clause cannot stand alone while the independent clause expresses a complete thought.

Anyone know the answer to this?



haggard, because it means similar to worn out

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b. him
c. her
d. them


D. Them because it is showing plural and it doesn't give a name to say him, her, or she
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