
Answer 1

Answer: the reason why the balance increases is because it is heavier so that's why it increases more

Explanation: the definition for balance is the ability to move or to remain in a position without losing control or falling. : a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance.

Mass is the amount of matter something is made from. Big things are generally more massive than small ones. If you have a lump of iron or copper and take it to different places on Earth (or even the Moon) to measure it's mass, you'll always get the same result.

Weight is a measurement of how much the force of gravity acts on a given amount of mass. The force of gravity varies slightly all over Earth so, while your lump of iron has the same mass, its weight varies: it might weigh a little bit more in Bangladesh than it does in Tibet. What about on the Moon? Gravity is about one sixth the strength on the Moon as it is on Earth. So things weigh only one sixth as much on the Moon as they do on Earth, even though their mass is exactly the same in both places. Why are things heavier on Earth? Essentially because Earth is so much more massive than the Moon. It attracts objects with more force—and that gives them more weight.

hope this helps you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Answer 2
Answer: It is heavier so that is why it increases more…
Hope this helps

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Cellular Respiration-
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Eso sí que es.

nose ni me importa solo quiero puntos perdon :v  XD

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ONE: spoon/ catapult

TWO: ball holder

THREE: the joint

FOUR: the rotater

FIVE: I think it is a lever that picks up the big spoon/ catapult

SIX: I don't know the chapter