There are approximately how many people in the world today? A. 1.5 billion B. 7.8 billion C. 3 billion D. 10 billion


Answer 1

The answer is B, 7.8 billion

Answer 2
Answer: B. 7.8 billion people in the world

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List three examples of culture blending in Brazil



La cultura de Brasil es eminentemente pluricultural, marcada por grandes y diversas corrientes migratorias provenientes de todos los continentes, sumado al intenso mestizaje. Brasil está conformado por muy diversos pueblos, lo que se refleja en su cultura, que posee elementos principalmente indígenas, africanos y europeos, sobre todo de origen animal.

La cultura popular y la cultura erudita siempre fue bastante problemática en el país. Durante un largo período de la historia, desde el Descubrimiento de Brasil hasta mediados de los siglos XIX y XX, la distancia entre la cultura erudita y la cultura popular era bastante amplia: la primera buscaba ser una copia fiel de los cánones y estilos europeos, la segunda era formada por la adaptación de las culturas de los diferentes pueblos que formaron el pueblo brasileño en un conjunto de valores, estéticas y hábitos rechazados y despreciados por las élites. Gran parte del proyecto estético modernista fue justamente el de rescatar en los campos considerados "nobles" de la cultura (las artes en general, la literatura, la música, etc.) y hasta los hábitos cotidianos, considerándola como una legítima cultura brasileña.

Earth's Compositional Layers Matrix Layer Depth State of Matter Composition
Crust 0-100km solid Basalt/Granite
Mantle 100-2890km solid but flows Iron/mangnesium silicate
Outer Core 2890-5155km liquid metal
Inner Core 5155-6370km solid metal
If you wanted to include the Lithosphere and the Asthenosphere in this chart what Column heading would you need to add across the top?



  • Crust 0-100km solid Basalt/Granite
  • Mantle 100-2890 km solid but flows Iron/magnesium silicate


  • The earth is arranged in various layers the three main layers ae the crust, mantle, and core, of which the crust has 0 to 100 km from the surface of the earth that represents a thin layer of the lithosphere.  
  • The lower part of which represented by the asthenosphere i.e the mantel and is a solid but flows like a liquid sphere. The Mantel being 100 to 2900 km depth is made of heavy elements as compared to the crust.

Explain the origin of the rock cleavage seen in slate and themineral cleavage seen in amphibole or calcite.



Cleavage of a mineral is defined as the direction along which the mineral breaks over the flat mineral surface. It is directly dependent on the mineral's crystallographic structure.

Slaty cleavage refers to the cleavage that is commonly found in the low grade metamorphic rock slate. Here, the fine grained minerals are so closely spaced and the lines of weakness are all parallel to each other, that allows the minerals to break in fine and thin layers. During the time of formation of slate, the smaller fractures are formed due to the increasing pressure. When groundwater moves through these fractures it forms a weak zone due to which these slaty cleavage forms.

When the rocks undergoes deformation and changes in the pressure and temperature condition then the cleavages are formed on the mineral's surface. The calcite contains rhombohedral cleavage are considered to be the perfect cleavage. Whereas the cleavage in amphibole is uneven and comprised of two directions that intersect each other at 56° and 124°.

What type of map is this?A. Physical
B. Precipitation
C. Political
D. Economic activity


The correct answer is A




Whats 100+15-(123-2854)




first you subtract 123-2854 thad then add 100+15

what can be done to prevent child deaths caused by routine illnesses in the developing world? please help !



Breast feeding, Immunization and vaccination


Interventions that have been associated with a decrease in mortality and disease rates include exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding strategies, routine immunizations and vaccinations for children, preventative zinc supplementation in children, and vitamin A supplementation in vitamin A deficient populations.