10. The organ that stores swallowed food and liquid, mixes up digestive juices withthe food and liquid, and sends it to the small intestine.
A. Mouth
C. Stomach
B. Rectum
D. Intestines​


Answer 1




Stomach is the organ that stores swallowed food and liquid, mixes up digestive juices withthe food and liquid, and sends it to the small intestine.

Answer 2




stomach is the answer pal

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It depends on the weight of teen before getting pregnant.

25 to 35 pounds should be weight gain for average weight girl , for underweight girl it should be 28 to 40 pounds and 15 to 25 pounds for overweight girl.


Nutrition , exercise is must for healthy teen pregnancy. All essential vitamins , minerals iron , calcium , folic acid should be in the diet. Low intake of essential diet leads risk of low weight of  baby , also may be other health complications. Alcohol, smoking , drugs should avoid during pregnancy.

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(Differences) Voluntary muscles are muscles that you can control while Involuntary are muscles that work on their own. (Similarities) Yeah sorry bud i can't help there

Marine debris is best described as being composed of


Marine debris is defined as any man-made solid material that goes into waterways either directly or indirectly. Eighty percent of the marine debris comes from the land-based sources. Examples of marine debris are soda cans, plastic bag, cigarette waste. Anything that ends up in a water body that has a potential in harming the marine life is a marine debris.


Marine debris consists of most anything used and discarded by humans. Winds, rivers and storms can carry this debris to the ocean from far inland, so it is not solely a case of pollution along shorelines.


What is the role of sensory neurons in the breakdown of food?


They sense the presence of food and relay it to the brain, basically saying (yo brain we found food) then the food can be moved and broken down into the digestive tract




A feature in the early hominid was her apelike shoulders and forelimbs, but a pelvis that indicated that most of her body weight lay above her pelvis. Which best explains the fossil?


This fossil which has apelike shoulders and forelimbs feature is most likely a quadrudepal (walks on both hands and feet). Scientists might call this early hominid the Wish human. It's apelike structure could also indicated that she is a common ancestor to the chimpanzees. 


B. Scientists called her Lucy and her pelvis indicates she could walk upright.


The description provided aligns with the characteristics of the famous hominid fossil known as Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis). Lucy's pelvis indicated that she walked upright, and her apelike shoulders and forelimbs were adaptations that might have been retained from a more apelike ancestor. The term "Upright Human" is not commonly used, and the other options do not accurately describe the fossil and its characteristics.

Amino acids are coded for by triplet bases in RNA called _____


Amino acids are coded for by triplet bases in RNA called _Codon_.

  • These codons are a sequence of three nucleotide that forms a unit genomic information encoding for a particular amino acids.
  • There are 64 different codons:-        

                      -  61 specify amino acids

                      -   3 are used as stop signals

What is a codon?

  • A codon is a DNA or RNA sequence of three nucleotides that forms a unit of genomic information encoding a particular amino acid or signaling the termination of protein synthesis.
  • The nucleotides base pair that form codon are:

          -  Adenine

           - Guanine

           - Uracil

           - Cytosine

To know more about nucleotides base pair here



1. Three nucleotides encode an amino acid. Proteins are built from a basic set of 20 amino acids, but there are only four bases. Simple calculations show that a minimum of three bases is required to encode at least 20 amino acids. Genetic experiments showed that an amino acid is in fact encoded by a group of three bases, or codon. 

2. The code is nonoverlapping. Consider a base sequence ABCDEF. In an overlapping code, ABC specifies the first amino acid, BCD the next, CDE the next, and so on. In a nonoverlapping code, ABC designates the first amino acid, DEF the second, and so forth. Genetics experiments again established the code to be nonoverlapping. 

3. The code has no punctuation. In principle, one base (denoted as Q) might serve as a “comma” between groups of three bases. 

This is not the case. Rather, the sequence of bases is read sequentially from a fixed starting point, without punctuation. 

4. The genetic code is degenerate. Some amino acids are encoded by more than one codon, inasmuch as there are 64 possible base triplets and only 20 amino acids. In fact, 61 of the 64 possible triplets specify particular amino acids and 3 triplets (called stop codons) designate the termination of translation. Thus, for most amino acids, there is more than one code word.