Which group of Founding Fathers created these amendments?a.Federalists
b.Continental Congress
c.Southern States


Answer 1


a. Federalists

Answer 2
Answer: a: federalists im pretty sure

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Try something like this:

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How do you think cotton , tobacco and other crops were shipped to their destination?…


The cotton, tobacco, and other crops were shipped to their destination via means of transport like ships and railways.

What was  the importance of cotton in ancient times?

During the first half of the 19th century, more than half of all American exports were cotton. The cotton market made it possible for America to take out international loans.

To seek more revenue and after fulfilling their self needs countries export additional crops to different countries who lack resources and help in improving the economy of the country and seek growth.

Earlier roads were not developed that much so ships and railroads are considered appropriate for exporting goods from one place to another. This means of transport is cost-effectively and safely delivered commodities.

Learn more about transport, here:



By ship, traveling overseas. 

The Monroe Doctrine was issued in response to which of the following events?


Well the spanish was losing land in the americas, and with the europeans  wanting to colonize, the U.S made it in order to stop them form colonizing  and interacting with the business in the new nations,

Thats all i remember from history class, i hope it answered your question 


Several Latin American countries gained their independence.


List of major trouble is that Industries faced in the Great Depression


lack of credit - banks didn't have money to lend to business to fund projects or expand

the dust bowl messed up travel in the midwest, so especially building train tracks there or roads would have been difficult

no one bought their products or services.
The Dust Bowl, stock market crash, not enough food/ water, overpopulation, drought, movement west, taxes bot being payed, loans

According to the Fifth Amendment, people who are accused of a crime cannot A.be tried twice for the same crime.
B.be arrested for two different crimes.
C.be forced to pay excessive fines.
D.be forced to follow rules for a trial.



the fifth amendment states that no person shall be held to answer for a capitol, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger, nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

According to the fifth amendment, people who are accused of a crime cannot be tried twice for the same crime. This is because the fifth amendment allows people to refuse to testify against themselves in court. This amendment also says that a person cannot be punished without due process of law and the person cannot go to travel twice for the same Geo this is because the fifth amendment allows people to refuse to testify against themselves in court. This amendment also says that a person cannot be punished without due process of law and the person cannot go to trial twice for the same charge.

Proposal for an irrigation system that will divert flood waters and benefit riverbank farmers


In order to divert flood waters, one should have a large water basin, with small man made streams flowing into a larger body of water, like a lake or river. An example of this is the irrigation system that greenhouses use. They collect rain water, and use it as a source of irrigation, but rather than using it, you would be diverting it into the earth into a natural way.

A vast water basin with small artificial streams flowing into a bigger body of water, such as a lake or river, is necessary to deflect flood waters. This is exemplified by the irrigation system used in greenhouses. They gather rainwater and use it as a source of irrigation, but you would be directing it into the ground in a natural way rather than utilizing it.

What is irrigation system?

A network of sprinklers or drip irrigation applicators that are a part of a home irrigation system are powered by the water pressure behind a single irrigation valve.

An electronic irrigation controller determines when water will be released via the valve to moisten thirsty plants.

Thus, A vast water basin with small artificial streams flowing into a bigger body of water, such as a lake or river.

For more details about irrigation system, click here:
