Which narrative technique does the author include in this excerpt, and how does it support the author's purpose? O The author uses dialogue to evoke a sense of happiness. O The author uses characterization to show bitter feelings. O The author uses structure to show the sequence of events. O The author uses setting to show a sense of accomplishment​


Answer 1

This question is missing the excerpt. I was able to find it online. It is as follows:

Read the excerpt from "Enrique's Journey":

Enrique greets the dawn without incident. The sky lightens behind the mountains to the east, and mist rises off the fields on both sides of the tracks. Men trot by on burros with tin milk containers strapped to their saddles, starting their morning deliveries.


The narrative technique which the author includes in the excerpt is:

D. The author uses setting to show a sense of accomplishment.


Sonia Nazario is an American journalist born in 1960. She won the Pulitzer for her book "Enrique's Journey," which tells the story of 17-year-old Enrique, from Honduras, who crosses countries in order to be reunited with his mother.

In the excerpt we are analyzing here, Nazario focuses on setting. Setting refers to the time and place where the story happens. From the passage, we know that it is dawn, that Enrique is most likely on a train, and that he sees fields and men along his path. However, that is not all that the setting reveals in the passage. There is a sense of accomplishment when Nazario says, "without incident". This is a sign that Enrique's journey is, until now, successful. A new day has begun, a new scenario unfolds, and Enrique is still moving closer to his destination.

Answer 2


The author uses setting to show a sense of accomplishment.


just took it

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Which words in the sentence are the predicate nominatives? Noah is both the captain and quarterback of the football team.
Choose all answers that are correct.
a. football
b. both
c. captain
d. quarterback
e. team


A predicate nominative is the first noun which follows a linking verb(which connects two parts of a sentence). In this case, the linking verb is is, and the predicate nominatives are C) captain and D) quarterback. 

Which clause is subordinate? A.
There were baby goats running all over the yard!

After an hour, all except one had been captured.

Someone had not shut the gate completely.

When we looked out the living room window.


B. Because in the phrase, "after", is a subordinate conjunction so it is a subordinate clause. Hope this helps. 
The correct answer is B , because the word (after) is a conjunction.So it is Subordinate

i hope this is helping you.

What are the three elements of a conclusion?


Summary of main point
Major deduction 
Final statement 

Grammar errors in the Word application are identified by _____. a red underline the task pane to the left a green underline in the Grammar dialog box


grammar errors are underlined in green. red underlines are for spelling errors

a red underline.........

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B. “He did not come in the dawning; he did not come at noon”
C. “The tip of one finger touched it! The trigger at least was hers”
D. “Shattered her breast in the moonlight and warned him--with her death”


I would say that A) "As the black cascade of perfume came tumbling over his breast" uses sensory details to indirectly suggest an impression.
The other answers either don't have sensory details, or aren't indirect.

Which one of the following is an indicator that a source may not be accurate?A. You're unable to find any other source that presents the same exact information or point of view.
B. The writing is sub-par or contains errors.
C. The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations.
D. The author is using emotionally charged language and inappropriate words or employing a tone that reveals an obvious bias.


C -
Here are some indicators that a source may not be accurate:
There is no publication date on the document, preventingthe reader from determining the age of the informationin question.The author makes vague statements and/or uses sweepinggeneralizations instead of offering facts, statistics, orspecific examples. This implies that there are no facts tosupport what the author is saying (or that he or she wastoo lazy to find them) and should immediately cause thereader to become suspicious
C. The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations.