A population of ground mice consist of 500 individuals. You are interested in the gene that codes for for a color and find out there are 580 dominant alleles in this population. What is the allele frequency for the dominant allele? What is the allele frequency for the recessive allele? (show your work)


Answer 1




Mice are diploid (2n) organisms, which means that their cells contain two complete sets of homo-logous chromosomes (i.e., they have two copies of any given locus/gene). An allele can be defined as a variant of a gene, whereas diploid (2n) organisms have two alleles at each genetic locus, which are located on homo-logous chromosomes. In this case, we know that there are 580 dominant alleles in a population of 500 individuals, thereby the total number of alleles in this population is 1000 (2n >> 500 x 2 = 1000 alleles), and the frequency of the dominant allele is 0,58 (580/1000 = 0,58).

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cross-pollination. He cross pollinated parents with different traits.


Gregor Johann Mendel was a great scientist/ Biologist that was born on the 20th day of the month of July, in the year 1822 in Czechia and he died on the 6th day of January, in the year 1884. Gregor Johann Mendel made significant effect on the aspect of genetics and heredity in Biology and science generally.

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For his research on inheritance, he cross pollinated parents with different traits to produce offsprings.

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b. evaporating water from its skin
c. expelling water from its body
d. speeding up its level of activity


The answer is A: Swimming into colder water. When fish are hot, they swim deeper; which is the same thing as swimming into cold water. B is incorrect, because if the fish is hot, there's no use going to the surface-which is hotter- to evaporate water from it's skin. By the way, what's the use of evaporating water again? The fish is still hot! C is wrong, because the only fish known to man that expels water, is the puffer-fish. Since the answer talks about fish in general, C is eliminated too. Finally, D is wrong because... um... someone please explain to me why a fish will speed up when the fishes temperature is getting hotter then supposed to!

Hope I helped!




The chaparral biome is generally characterized by its terrain.

True or False?


I believe this would be false. Chaparral biomes can have many different types of terrains. The land in a chaparral biome can be mountainous, rocky, or flat. Chaparral biomes are generally defined by their temperature and climate. They are very hot and dry, and have mild winters and extreme summers. Hope this helps.

the answer is f for edge

Which is an activity that increases the genetic variation within a population of earthworms


The answer is Evolution.

The increase of genetic among the population of earthworms is because of evolution. Evolution refers to the process in which the genetic traits in a population of organism changes over time. It could also be natural selection. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, surviving organisms are well adapted to their environment.

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