Why does Kip love Amanda in "Adam's Rib"?


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Matching TypeA. Bronze
B. Sculptures about real life
C. Disk Thrower statue
D. Hermes with Infant Dionysus
E. Discobolos
F. Roman copies of original bronze Greek sculptures
G. Praxiteles
H. The Classical Period
I. Olympia
J. Anatomy

1. Followed the Archaic Period (1 point)
2. In the Classical period, this had better depiction of muscle structure (1 point)
3. This medium was used in the Classical Period (1 point)
4. This captures the moment right before a discus is released (1 point)
5. Most famous statues that survive today are this (1 point)
6. Another name for Myron's Disk Thrower (1 point)
7. Sculpted by Praxiteles (1 point)
8. Seems to be the most highly regarded sculptor in antiquity (1 point)
9. Common characteristic of the Hellenistic Period (1 point)
10. Where Hermes with Infant Dionysus was found (1 point)


1. Followed the Archaic Period
H. The Classical Period

2. In the Classical period, this had better depiction of muscle structure
J. Anatomy

3. This medium was used in the Classical Period
 A. Bronze

4. This captures the moment right before a discus is released
C. Disk Thrower statue

5. Most famous statues that survive today are this
F. Roman copies of original bronze Greek sculptures

6. Another name for Myron's Disk Thrower
E. Discobolos

7. Sculpted by Praxiteles
D. Hermes with Infant Dionysus

8. Seems to be the most highly regarded sculptor in antiquity  
G. Praxiteles

9. Common characteristic of the Hellenisitc Period
B sculptures about real life

10. Where Hermes with Infant Dionysus was found
i. Olympia 

William Henry Talbot’s photographic system involved placing the negative against a _____ treated surface that was then exposed to _____. chemically / sunlight heat /chemicals motion / heat


The answer is: “William Henry Talbot’s photographic system involved placing the negative against a chemically treated surface that was then exposed to sunlight heat.
He devised several ways of chemically stabilizing the results to make them sufficiently insensitive to exposure that the sunlight could be used to print the negative.

Answer : William Henry Talbot’s photographic system involved placing the negative against a chemically treated surface that was then exposed to sunlight heart.

Explanation : William Henry Talbot was the scientist who devised several ways of chemically stabilizing the results of negatives, by making them sufficiently insensitive to exposure from direct sunlight and could be used to print the negative image produced in the camera onto another sheet of salted paper, creating a positive.

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