Select the way that humans can negatively affect aquifers. a. Humans build roads, which prevents rainwater from replenishing aquifers.
b. Humans build sea walls, which prevents seawater from entering aquifers.
c. Humans line and seal wells to prevent pollutants from entering an aquifer.
d. Humans prefer to use lake water as a source for drinking water rather than aquifers.


Answer 1


a. Humans build roads, which prevents rainwater from replenishing aquifers.


This is because an aquifer is a body of rock that holds water or ground water and can readily transmit this water to Wells and springs. But human activities like building of roads has affected this. During road construction, rocks are broken down and ground water are depleted, as the roads are built, rain water will not be able to sink down to the ground rather will be on the tilled road which prevent it from getting to aquifer.

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If you made a model of Earth that was 10 cm in radius, how high would Mount Everest rise above sea level?


In the scale model, Mount Everest would have a height of 0.0138 cm.

What is the real radius of the Earth?

The Earth is not a perfect sphere, in some places it is flattened and in other places it is not, because of this characteristic the radius of the Earth is not the same everywhere in the world. In the polar zones the radius has a distance of about 6357km, while in the equatorial zones the radius is 6378km.

In a scale model of the Earth in which the radius is equivalent to 10cm, each cm would be equivalent to 635.7km. We must keep in mind that Mount Everest has a height of 8.8 km above sea level.

According to the information above, in the scale model, Mount Everest would have a height of 0.0138 cm.

8,8km ÷ 635,7km = 0.0138.

Learn more about Earth in:

What is the oldest fossil in the bottom layer or the strata



the bottom layer


The oldest layers are on the bottom, and the youngest layers are on the top. Because sediments sometimes include once-living organisms, sedimentary rock often contains a lot of fossils. Fossils are once-living organisms that have been turned into rock, in which the shape or form of the organism can still be seen.

The history of primate evolution is filled with the evolution of new species but also countless extinctions. While factors in each case are different, certain main factors continuously contributed to the extinction of primates. A high proportion of primates became extinct at the end of the Miocene and another extinction occurred at the end of the Pliocene and during the Pleistocene. Drag the main extinction cause to the period in which it occurred.



  • Pleistoceno - human hunting
  • Pliocene - climate change
  • Mioceno - competition


Although no scientist has been able to discover with 100% certainty the cause of extinction of primates in relation to different periods of the planet. These extinctions are believed to have occurred as follows:

  • Pleistocene period - human hunting
  • Pliocene Period - climate change
  • Miocene Period - competition

Pilocene is considered the least ancient period. In that period the vegetation was similar to the vegetation we know today. However, this period is marked by the cessation of exchange of currents between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, which resulted in climatic changes that many primates were unable to adapt and ended up dying.

The period called Miocene is marked by the formation of mountains and the appearance of several mammals. As the fauna in this period was abundant, the vegetation became more repressed and could only be found in specific places. This generated strong competition among primates, causing many of them to find no food and end up dying, or to die due to violent fights over vegetation.

The period called Pleistocene, in turn, is marked by the evolution of the human being. This period featured species of homo erectus, which was a great hunter. As you may have already realized, hunting was essential to the survival of human beings, who probably killed countless primates without taking into account the breeding season, causing primate extinction.

Why is it so difficult to separate ethnic disputes, socio-economic competition, struggles for political dominance and religious animosity?



It is very difficult to separate these things from each other because they always go hand in hand, not one by one.


When it comes to ethnic disputes, socio-economic competition, struggles for political dominance, and religious animosity, it is impossible to separate them. The reason for that is that they are intermingled and function together. At least two of these are functioning together, though very often it is all four simultaneously.

The ethnic disputes very often tend to occur because of socio-economic compeition between the different groups, mostly when the situation is not good. The religion, especially if the groups have different religions, always comes up on the front to support the ethnic group that follows it, and the political leaders use the opportunity to fuel things up in order to get full control of a particular region, or even outside of the ethnic boundaries.

Match each cultural region to the correct description -Midwest
-West Coast



1. Westcoast

2. Midwest

3. Southwest

4. Northwest

ALL ABOUT THIS ROCK: SLATE .For the rock slate choose all the characteristics that apply.Be careful: There are a total of 5 correct answers. ANY INCORRECT ANSWER will deduct one point from any correct one!

may contain calcite
non-visible minerals
may contain serpentine
may contain micas
formed by contact metamorphism
formed by regional metamorphism



Principal characteristics of a slate are:

It's a Metamorphic rock

As e metamorphic rock it is Foliated

It's origin is Regional metamorphism

Is a fine-grain rock, for that reason it has non-visible minerals

A slate is composed by principally by clay and Micas.


Slate rocks are fine-grain metamorphic rocks which original rock use to be a shale or a vocanic rock. It is foliated, becase of compression stress produced by regional metamorphism, it means, orogenic metamorphism common in compresive plate boundaries. The foliation are planes perpendicular to the stress direction. It has non visible minerals because of the size of it's original components; usually it comes from shales, sedementary rock with clay minerals that after metamorphism sometimes become micas.