Your considering career options in health field which of the following would focus on performing medical test on animals


Answer 1

Answer: Become a veternarian.

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To determine whether the mutations in the seven strains leading to the wingless phenotype are in the same gene, your lab sets up complementation tests. You obtain the following results (" " indicates that complementation was observed; "-" indicates that no complementation was observed).



The complete question includes a chart which I'm including below:  

Which mutants are in the same complementation group as mutant strain 1?

of course:  ("+" indicates that complementation was observed)

,,,and the answer  regarding which mutants are in the same complementation group as mutan strain 1 are:  2,4, & 7.  

pepsin is found in the stomach. Salivary amylase is found in the mouth. And arginase is found in the liver. What does the graph indicate about the relative acidity of these three locations?


Pepsin is found in the stomach. Salivary amylase is found in the mouth. Arginase is also found in the liver. The pH of the pepsin in the stomach is acidic. The pH of the pepsin in the stomach is acidic (around 2), the mouth pH is nearly neutral, and the liver pH is basic.

What is the pH of different organs?

Different organs of the body function well at different pH levels because enzymes exhibit their best activity in a specific pH range The enzyme that acts in the stomach can't act in the mouth due to a change in pH. The mouth has a nearly neutral pH, ranging from 6.5 to 7, and in this place, the salivary amylase works best and carries out the initial digestion of the carbohydrates. Pepsin works in stomach having a pH nearly 2.

Hence, the pepsin enzyme in the stomach works best at an acidic pH of about 2. The amylase works best at neutral pH. The liver enzyme arginase works best at a basic pH.

Learn more about the pH of different organs here.



the answer is B ( the stomach is more acidic thank the mouth, which is more acidic than the liver


why do the processes and events dating back to the big bang eventually led to the existence of life on earth​



Stars are formed such that their death led to the creation of life.


The Big Bang theory was developed in 1927. This theory helps to understand how the universe was created. According to this theory, hydrogen gas was created through a process of expansion and explosion. As a result, stars are formed such that their death led to the creation of life.

Earth formed around 4.54 billion years ago which is equal to approximately one-third of the age of the universe.