How do particle collisions transfer energy?How does conduction transfer heat in solids?

What is a conductor?

What is an insulator?


What is density?

Does density depend on temperature?

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions. I REALLY appreciate your help, and your time. U are the best! Once again, thanks and please answer all the questions. That would be helpful. Thank you sooooo much!!


Answer 1
Answer: Conduction is a method of Heat transfer in solids by mutual vibration of the solid particles. The heat particle of one solid receives the heat, and transfer it to the next solid particle to it. This is as a result of the particles touching each other and by a little vibration of the particles.

A conductor is a material that allows the transfer of heat in this case. It could also allow the transfer of electrical current. Example Iron, Copper.

An insulator is a material that is poor in transfer heat or electric current from one point to another. Example is Wood.

Convection is a method of heat transfer in liquid or air medium, by the actual or bulk movement of the heated medium. E.g transfer of heat from hotter air to cooler air, transfer of heat from hotter region of boiling water to the cooler region which is at the surface.

Density is simply mass per unit volume.
Density = Mass / Volume,  It's SI Unit  =  Kg/m3.

Does density depend on temperature?

This is a bit tricky. For liquids we should say yes, there is appreciable difference in density. For example we know that water has maximum density of 1 g/cm3 at  4 degrees Celsius.

But for solids, the density is not affected much, except at very high temperatures.

So in summary we should say Density is affected by temperature, because we know that the volume of the material would be affected and hence the density is affected likewise.

Sorry, the solution came a little bit late.

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E i think im not so sure...

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Newton's First Law Example: Driving a car and hitting something like a tree, the car will stop instantly but you'll keep moving forward. Cars have airbags because of this.

Newton's Second Law Example: It's easier to push a box without anything inside it than a box full of stuff because the box that is full has more mass than the empty one.

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a stream flows with a speed of 3.0 meters per second relative to the shore. A kayaker paddles Downstream with the speed of 1.5 meters per second relative to the stream. What is the kayaker speed relative to the shore


Since the kayakers speed is 1.5 meters per second relative to the stream, the kayakers velocity in meters per second relative to the shore should be its speed relative to the stream plus the stream's velocity relative to the shore. This is 1.5m/s + 3.0m/s which is equal to 4.5 meters per second (m/s).

Final answer:

The kayaker's speed relative to the shore is calculated by adding the stream's speed (3.0 m/s) and the kayaker's speed relative to the stream (1.5 m/s), which results in 4.5 m/s.


In this scenario, the kayaker's total velocity, or speed relative to the shore, is the vector sum of the kayak's velocity relative to the water and the water's velocity relative to the shore. This principle reflects how velocities combine in Newtonian mechanics. Given that the stream's velocity is 3.0 meters per second and the kayaker's velocity relative to the stream is 1.5 meters per second, we add these velocities together to get the kayaker's velocity relative to the shore.

Therefore, the kayaker's speed relative to the shore is 4.5 meters per second. This sum is based on the principle that when moving downstream, the stream's velocity (its speed in a particular direction) augments the velocity of the kayak.

Learn more about Relative Velocity here:


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If the angular displacement= 3t²+2t,find the angular velocity and angular acceleration​


Hi there!

The angular velocity is equivalent to:

\omega(t) = \theta'(t) = (d\theta)/(dt)

Take the derivative using the power rule:

w(t) = (d\theta)/(dt) =  \boxed{6t + 2}

The angular acceleration is equivalent to:

\alpha(t) = (d\omega)/(dt)

Differentiate once again:

\boxed{\alpha(t) = 6}


