Which of the following pairs of organisms are primary consumers?A.snakes and foxes

B. rabbits and elephants

C. hawks and vultures

D. oak trees and ferns


Answer 1

The primaryconsumer among the given ones are rabbits and elephants. The correct option is B.

What is primary consumer?

An organism that continues to feed on primaryproducers is referred to as a primary consumer.

This type of organism constitutes the second trophic level and is consumed or actually predates by secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, or top predators.

Primary consumers play an important role in ecosystems. They aid in the transfer of energy within an ecosystem, which is necessary for the ecosystem to maintain its balance and avoid collapse.

The second trophic level is comprised up of primaryconsumers. They are also known as herbivores. They only eat primary producers like plants or algae.

A rabbit, elephant, or grasshopper living in the Everglades, for example, is a primaryconsumer.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding primary consumer, visit:



Answer 2
Answer: The pair that are primary consumers are rabbits and elephants. Primary consumers are the herbivores (or in some cases, omnivores), while the secondary ones are the carnivores that prey on them. For example, a mouse is a target for snakes.

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Sickle cell anemia is a condition where the red blood cells are deformed. Which is affected by sickle cell anemia?



Sickle cell anemia is defined as a genetically inherited disorder that causes deformation of red blood cells (RBCs) and inadequate oxygen transport. It is caused by a mutation in the gene that encodes for hemoglobin and leads to formation of a defective protein.

The RBCs transport oxygen to the various parts of body with the help of hemoglobin molecules. Due to defective hemoglobin, blood cells become sticky and rigid, and shape like sickles. The resulting sickle-shaped cells get stuck in blood capillaries that block or slow down blood flow or oxygen transport to the body organs.

Thus, 'sickle cell anemia affects oxygen transport in the body.'

A genetic disorder in which the deformation of red blood cells occurs due to which transportation of oxygen is hindered is called sickle cell anemia.  

Further Explanation:

The inherited form of anemia is sickle cell anemia. It is a condition during which the body contains an inadequate amount of red blood cells to fulfill the required supply of oxygen in the body. The normal red blood cells are round and flexible and move with ease through the blood vessels. The defective red blood cells during sickle cell anemia appear like a crescent moon and become sticky and rigid. These defective cells cannot pass the blood vessels and get stuck in between. It may lead to a stoppage and slow down of blood flow, which in turn also obstructs the passage of oxygen throughout the body.

The gene mutation is the cause of the anemia. This gene is responsible for the production of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is an iron-rich compound which provides the blood with its red color. The red blood cells carry oxygen with the help of hemoglobin, which binds oxygen. Abnormal hemoglobin is produced during sickle cell anemia, which makes the red blood cells rigid and sticky.

These defective genes are passed from parents to the offspring and generate an inheritance pattern, which is called autosomal recessive inheritance. This means both the parents must transfer the defective allele to produce an affected child. If a person inherits a sickle cell gene from only one parent, he/she is a carrier of the disease. This implies that the person can further pass on the gene to his/her progeny.

Learn More:

  1. Learn more about the fibrous skeleton of the heart brainly.com/question/7301375
  2. Learn more about blood cells bring oxygen and take carbon dioxide away brainly.com/question/1213217
  3. Learn more about the system prepares food for absorption into the bloodstream brainly.com/question/310282

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Chapter: Sickle Cell Anaemia

Subject: Biology


Anemia, sickle cell anemia, red blood cells, oxygen, hemoglobin, blood vessels, mutation, inheritance pattern, autosomal recessive, iron-rich compound, blood, allele, gene.

How does nuclear energy use differ from geothermal and solar energy use?a.
Geothermal and solar energy both have a mining step, while nuclear energy does not.
Geothermal and solar energy both require water, while nuclear energy does not.
Geothermal and solar energy are both renewable, while nuclear energy is not.
Geothermal and solar energy both generate a significant amount of waste, while nuclear energy does not.


in short the answer is c.

Geothermal energy is produced in geothermal power plants that use steam produced from reservoirs of hot water found a couple of miles or more below the Earth's surface. Because its source is the almost unlimited amount of heat generated by the Earth's core geothermal energy is a renewable source of energy. Solar energy is the energy of the sun that is converted into electricity and it is also a renewable source. On the other hand, the nuclear energy is produced as a result of nuclear reactions and is not renewable. So, nucelar energy differ from geothermal and solar beacuse geothermal and solar are renewable, and nuclear is not.

What would be the potential environmental effects of cutting down 100 acres of forest in order to build a new shopping mall? Make sure to focus on environmental and not economic effects.


1. It increases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. 
Plants and trees play a vital role in keeping the planet habitable. As most of us probably know, photosynthesis (a process that happens in plants) filters carbon dioxide gases out of the air and releases oxygen. This means that cutting huge numbers of plants can have a very negative impact on the environment. It will allow green house gases to build up and contributing to global warming.

2. It further promotes the development of drought. 
Global warming brings about a lot of unfavorable consequences, including drought, which is already affecting many parts of the world. To mention, deforestation encourages higher levels of water consumption for growing livestock and crops. Instead of having a natural system of moisture recycling forests provide, water goes to food and livestock production, removing it from the natural cycle of life.

3. It focuses only on short-term gains. 
According to research, the world is already producing more than 10% of the calories it needs for the entire world population today. In fact, many countries are consuming more than 1,000 calories a day per capita, which is more than the needed amount for proper health. We should take note that, if more food is produced, then people will tend to focus more on short-term gains, instead of meeting long-term needs.

4. It is a limited resource. 
Regardless of the many monetary benefits we can get from deforestation at first, these timber profits could go away since there will not be any additional trees being planted to replace those that are harvested. Livestock and farms may not be nearly as profitable as a living, considering the thriving forests on a planetary scale.

5. It contributes to the extinction of wildlife. 
The removal of a habitat is often the foundation for the extinction of a species. When forests are cut down, it is not only the trees that are being lost, but also countless amounts of wildlife, such as mammals, birds, insects, amphibians and many other animals that make them their home. With nowhere else for them to go, they will be forced into areas that are not suited for them. In fact, there has been a drastic decline in the amount of wildlife in certain areas that have experienced severe effects of deforestation. In essence, we are removing a piece of ourselves when we no longer allow for animals to exist as they always have.


Where is the best position for a lamp you use to read in the dark?


The best position for a lamp is your lamp behind your left shoulder if you're right-handed, and behind your right shoulder if you're left-handed. This way, your hand won't overshadow your words as you write or read.

A retrovirus is?a. is a primitive virus.
b. has a genome made of RNA.
c. has the simplest of all protein coats.
d. was discovered before any other virus.

How is the virus reproduced during the lysogenic cycle?
a. through reproduction of the host cell
b. by using viral enzymes to reproduce viral DNA
c. by using the cell's enzymes to reproduce viral DNA
d. by breaking the cell open and releasing new viruses


Ans. (b). has a genome made of RNA.

Retroviruses are viruses with RNA molecules as their genome. They insert a copy of their RNA genome into the host cell DNA and change the cell genome. These viruses are generally known as single-stranded positive-sense (+ strand) RNA viruses.

Examples: Human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis B virus.

Thus, the correct answer is option (b).

Ans. (a). through reproduction of the host cell.

Lysogenic life cycle is a virus reproductive cycle that involves integration of viral nucleic acid into host's genome or formation of a replicon in host's cytoplasm.

The host cells (bacterial cells) remain alive and reproduce normally, so thus, viruses reproduce through the reproduction of host (bacterial cells).

Thus, the correct answer is option (a).

A retrovirus virus has a genome made of RNA. A virus during the lysogenic cyle is the reproduction through the host cell.

What would happen if cytokinesis occurred without mitosis?


If this occurred the cells won't have the same DNA