In the group of jobs below which does not belong.... secretary, stock clerk, accountant, driver, receptionist?


Answer 1
Answer: I would say driver, as the other ones work from offices and desks
Answer 2
Answer: Accountant because an accountant requires a bachelors degree

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The analogy of growing corn suggests the idea of working hard and recognizing your worth and who you are while the plot of ground conveys the idea of being 'self-reliant' and believing in one's actions.


The question is asked in the context of Ralph Waldo Emerson's most acknowledged essay titled 'Self-Reliance' which primarily focuses on preaching the idea of believing in one's self and chasing one's own thoughts and actions. He uses a variety of metaphors to throw light upon this idea. The metaphor of corn helps him to emphasize the significance of working hard and believing in your own actions, thoughts, and individual self instead of blindly following the rat race. The plot of the ground suggests the firmness and determination to stand by your own actions and keep growing and enhancing knowledge(through your toil) on your own 'plot of ground'(thoughts).

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and how to develop your vocabulary?



it gives them the ability to face the crowd and, to develop your vocabulary you need to read lots of text books, cause I remembered when my brother was writing a particular exam, he read 8 textbooks just for his vocabulary, and I was impressed

Which of the following do you do when you outline?O A. Write the rough draft
B. Use every idea from your brainstorming session
C. Edit your outline for grammar errors
D. Logically arrange your ideas


I logically arrange my ideas. When outlining ur just brainstorming stuff & in the end it all needs to make sense.

Which of these could be a topic sentence with an arguable claim for a supporting paragraph?A.
The speaker has an epiphany about life and creativity which occurs in the last stanza.
The speaker uses images of weather to symbolize the conditions that exist within the legal system.
Hopkins ends his poem with a spondee: “Praise Him.”
A careful reader would recognize that the poem introduces a new idea in its third stanza.




Music and sound effects in film can influence the mood of the audience. It can create a sensWhat type of sound effect would foreshadow a dark event?
Birds chirping
Children singing
Door creaking
Waves lapping


i believe door creaking, just because it’s the only one they would use in a scary movie to foreshadow a dark event


The obvious answer is birds chirping! JK

its C. Door creaking

me trying to be funny


What is the best description of Buck‘s character, based on this excerpt?Buck is willing to compromise morality for survival.
Buck is a prankster who enjoys teasing his teammates.
Buck is a bully who taunts the weaker pack members.
Buck is eager to entertain the pack with his tricks.



Buck is willing to compromise morality for survival

Excerpt (you forgot to include it in your question):

To remedy this, [Buck] ate as fast as they; and, so greatly did hunger compel him, he was not above taking what did not belong to him. He watched and learned. When he saw Pike, one of the new dogs, a clever malingerer and thief, slyly steal a slice of bacon when Perrault's back was turned, he duplicated the performance the following day, getting away with the whole chunk. A great uproar was raised, but he was unsuspected; while Dub, an awkward blunderer who was always getting caught, was punished for Buck's misdeed.


The correct answer is A Buck is willing to compromise morality for survival


Other Questions
*LANGUAGE ART TEST**50marks**Time:1hour* *10:15am - 11:15am*1. A prefix is letters that come at the _____ of a word.a. end b. beginning c. middle d. top2. What is the root, or base word, in the word preheat? a) heat b. preheat c. heatpre Question 3Q. What is the prefix in the word untie? a.tie b. unti c. un d. pre Question 4Q. The prefix re, like in the word replay means- a. not b. before c. again d. dis Question 5Q. Read the sentence below. Tom and Jerry disagreed on what TV show to watch. That means they-a. did not agree b. did agree c.agreed again d. stopped agreeing Question 6Q. A suffix is letters that come at the _____ of the word. a. on top b. rhyme c. beginning d. end Question 7Q. The suffix less, like in the word fearless means:a. full of b. without c. with Question 8Q. Look at the word belowunchangeable This word has-a. a prefix b. a suffix c. a prefix and a suffix d. neither Question 9Q. Which suffix can you add to the word "reason" to make a new word?a. -able b. -ful c. -ion Question 10Q. What does the word "tireless" mean?a. always feeling tired b. never feeling tired c. feeling less tired than someone else Question 11Q. If you wanted to say someone is not helpful, which word would you use?a. inhelpful b. unhelpful c. helpfulless Question 12Q. Which of these words means 'not sure'a. undone b. uncertain c. dissure Question 13Q. What prefix would you add to the word 'finished' to show that there is still some work to be done?a. un- b. dis- c. mis- Question 14Q. What does the prefix 'dis' do to the word appeared in this sentence?The cat disappeared before her very eyes.a. It tells you that the cat appeared bigger than before. b. It tells you that the cat vanished. c. It tells you that the act appeared to be further away. Question 15Q. What does the prefix 'dis' do to the word appeared in this sentence?The cat disappeared before her very eyes.a. It tells you that the cat appeared bigger than before. b. It tells you that the cat vanished. c.It tells you that the act appeared to be further away.Section B: Write 10 idioms you know, the meaning and make a sentence with it Best of luck​