why is it more important for dna replication to be exact than for transcription or translation to be exact


Answer 1
Answer: Because DNA replication contains essentially all the genetic materials that will be needed in transcription and translation processes. And DNA replication is first step to ensure correct protein synthesis and others as well. But translation and transcription are both important to be exact, actually as incorrect transcription or translation could lead to useless proteins or etc.
Answer 2

in apex the answer is : an error in dna replication would affect many generations of cells

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The chromosomes become longer and thinner; spindle fibers attach to the centromeres.

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B. color blindness.
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D. farsightedness.


When our red-sensitive nerves in our eyes cannot respond to light properly this will result in color blindness - b. 

When either of the three light-sensitive nerves in our nerve tracts; either green, red or blue, we become to color blind for a certain spectrum of light from nature. 

The variation of kernel color in corn plants is an inherited trait. R is the dominant allele for red kernels in a corn plant and r is the recessive allele for yellow kernels. What is the probability that a corn plant with the genotype Rr crossed with a corn plant rr will have offspring with the genotype rr? Express your answer as a fraction using numerals for numbers and / for the fraction bar. Do not include spaces.


The answer is 1/2.

R - the dominant allele for red kernels
r - t
he recessive allele for yellow kernels

RR - dominant homozygote
Rr - heterozygote
rr - recessive homozygote

The cross Rr x rr will result in 1/2 of offspring with red kernels (Rr) and 1/2 of offspring with yellow kernels (rr):
Parental generation:      Rr      x      rr
Offspring generation:  Rr    Rr     rr      rr
So, there are 2 out of 4 Rr offspring (2/4 = 1/2) and 2 out of 4 rr offspring (2/4 = 1/2).




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