In order to increase its persuasive appeal, a message should be appeal to the personal characteristics of the audience. True or false.


Answer 1




Persuasive message is one that has the power to influence and motivate people to adhere to a particular purpose through a message whether it is conveyed by whatever means of communication.

Persuasion depends largely on how the consumer assimilates the information directed to him and how important he attaches to that information, if the message that is passed on to the consumer has good arguments and is from a company that has credibility, it will have greater reception power over people thus having a good level of persuasion.

In this case, we can say that the persuasive message is not exactly one that appeals to the public's personal characteristics, but one that has arguments good enough to make the public take them as truth.

Answer 2
Answer: I think that's true.

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "A) the biological approach." Amy's gender development is best explained through the biological approach. Four-year-old Amy is learning what it means to be a girl. Her parents have decorated her room all in pink and buy her lots of dolls ...

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Cygnus the Swan


Quick google search ;) hope this is what u wanted

Cygnus the Swan
Bottom line: The northern cross is an “asterism” or recognizable pattern of stars, part of the constellation Cygnus the swan.

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The conditionedresponse here is the barking. The correct option is D.

What is conditioned response?

Respondentconditioning is a type of learning that occurs when a stimulus that naturally elicits a response (known as an unconditioned stimulus) is paired with a stimulus that does not naturallyelicit a response (known as a conditioned stimulus) (known as a neutral stimulus).

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A potent stimulus is one that does not necessitate any learning or conditioning in order to respond appropriately.

A child cries when he hears a loudnoise. The family's dog frequently barks. He cries every time he sees the dog. The barking is the conditionedresponse here.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding conditioned response, visit:


The answer is D because the child is afraid of the dog bc the dog barks and it can scare the child! The child may have some past history with dogs to.

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26 m
17 m


The answer is 40 m.

To get the total distance the runner travels in 6 seconds, you must compute the average velocity first since the velocity of the runner changes from time to time. 

Total of velocity divide by 4.

AV = 2 + 5 + 8 + 12 = 27
AV = 27 / 4
AV = 6.75

To get the distance, the formula is Distance = Average Velocity x Time:

D = 6.75 m/s x 6 sec
D = 40 m

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