Please answer the following question in Spanish: How would you ask the waiter to bring you the bill?


Answer 1
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I think it would be

"¿Cuánto sería? or ¿Me traería la cuenta por favor?"
Answer 2


You could ask for the bill in several ways in spanish, for example: "¿Me puede traer la cuenta?" or "¿Me puedes decir cuánto es?" or just "¿Cuánto es?" or "La cuenta, por favor"

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the answer is  d i c  c i o n a r i o__


Include expressions you would use with a teacher or with someone else with whom you would speak formally.


Hola, ¿como está?
Yo estoy muy bien, gracias!
Es muy bueno verle!
Encantada(o) de conocerle.
Me gustaría hablarle otra vez.

Pretty much replace any “tu” with “usted” or -le or -la or -lo

Hope this helps :)


To introduce myself to a teacher:

-Buenos días profesor soy (your name) y vengo de (your country)

To say goodbye to a teacher:

-Hasta la proxima clase profesor tenga un buen día

To express admiration for a teacher

-Usted es un magnifico profesor

To tell the teacher that he is very smart

Es usted muy sabio y culto


I hope I've helped;)

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Which herbal remedy would most likely be used to treat a sunburn


There are several herbal remedies to treat sunburn. Aloe Vera is a perfect and natural way to treat sunburns. For those people that spend a lot of the time under the sun due to professional pressures or any other reason need to care for their skin, otherwise the sunburns can be very painful. Aloe Vera actually has a huge amount of glyconutrients and this accelerates the rate of healing. It is important to take a matured leaf from the Aloe Vera plant and then cut it. The thick gel like substance that comes out should be put on the places of sunburn. It will cure the sunburn faster than any other synthetically produced creams in the market.
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Ayer nosotros ___________ 2.500 pesos.


Ahorramos Its the best anwser
Ayer nosotros  Ahorramos 2.500 pesos 
wich would mean 
Yestrday we earned up 2.500 dollars