
What lesson does the main character learn about life?


Answer 1


The message of the book Wonder is to be kind to all those around you, no matter their situation.


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A)."It was only when I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an illusion, when I discovered as a young man that my freedom had already been taken from me, that I began to hunger for it. At first as a student I wanted freedom only for myself, the transitory freedoms of being able to stay out at night, read what I pleased and go where I chose". i)The title that best suits this extract is a) Freedom for everything b) Knowledge about Freedom c) Significance of Freedom d) Realisation of Freedom

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Dormant comes from the same roots as the French verb "dormir" which means sleep, so since we didn't have answer choices i just gave you one.




Soporific comes from Latin sopor, which means "deep sleep." That root is related to somnus, the Latin word for "sleep." Despite its meaning, somnus has been active, giving English somnolence (sleepiness), somnambulism (sleepwalking), and many other "sleepy" words.

I walked quickly through dry grass that crunched like.......(simile)


...dry leaves under my feet.
...eating chips.

Final answer:

This sentence is an example of a simile, a figure of speech that compares two things using the words 'like' or 'as'.


This sentence is an example of a simile, a figure of speech that compares two things using the words 'like' or 'as'. In this case, the author is comparing the sound of stepping on dry grass to a specific sound or feeling. To create a simile, the author could say that the grass 'crunched like potato chips' or 'crunched like walking on broken glass'. The simile adds descriptive detail and helps the reader better visualize the experience of walking on dry grass.

Learn more about Simile in English Literature here:



1. Which of these quotations from the poem contains a coordinating conjunction?A) “How the monster relished his savage war / On the Danes,”

B) “Remember, / Hrothgar, O knowing king …”

C) “And sometimes they sacrificed to the old stone gods,”

D) “Then when the darkness had dropped, Grendel

2. According to Bede, what is true of Ireland?

A. It does not have any snakes.

C. It gets lots of snow.

D. The climate is too warm


question number 1 is (c) and question number 2 is (a)

Complete the following definition A subordinate clause is: A. a clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence B. a clause that can stand alone as a sentence C. a verb that acts on a direct object D. a verb that takes no objects or complements


A subordinate clause is A) A clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence. 

That is, it is dependent on transforming or correlating the main clause. 

What is the brief description of Catholicism?


Catholicism and its adjectival form Catholic are used as broad terms for describing specific traditions in the Christian churches in theology, liturgy, doctrine, spirituality and ethics. "Catholicism" and "Catholic" in this sense refer to the practices of several Christian churches. This sense is to be distinguished from the use of these words to refer to the Roman Catholic Church, that which is in full communion with the Holy See, as well as the Eastern Orthodox Church, which also considers it self the universal and apostolic church.

Select an acceptable pronoun to complete this sentence. The committee piled ______ coats and hats on a chair and started to work.





 The acceptable pronoun that complets the sentence is their  because the noun committee is a singular word that represents a group of people. It is a case of a collective noun , which can be followed by a singular or a plural verb: The committee is/are working. The choice depends on whether we considered the group as a whole or the individuals: "they piled their coats and hats."

The correct pronoun to use would be: their
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