How does Erasmus depict Christ?


Answer 1


The Praise of Folly Essay Questions

How does Erasmus depict Christ?

Christ espouses and evinces mildness, meekness, gentleness, and humility. He excoriates those who trust only in their own wisdom and extols the merits of fools and simpletons who approach his message with an open mind and an open heart. He eschews the trappings of worldly success, preferring to ride on a donkey rather than a lion. He refers to his followers as sheep and gives the charge of spreading his word to "ignorant, sottish disciples" (81). He is the biggest fool of all, for he "took on the foolishness of humanity in order to relieve the folly of mortals, just as he became sin in order to redeem sinners" (81). His behavior on earth made him appear almost mad, and Erasmus suggests that Christians should approach this same type of madness in their attempts to get close to the divine. Overall, Christ is the greatest example of folly as a virtue.


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