. Draw a logic circuit corresponding to the following logic statement:X = 1 if ( A = NOT 1 OR B = 1 ) AND ( B = NOT 1 AND C = NOT 1)


Answer 1
OK, I'll try this.  But you have to be gentle with me, because it's 43 years
since I learned it, and I've never used it except for recreation.  I just hope
that I don't make a fool of myself.

The logic function you want is:      X = ( A + B ) ( BC )

-- ' X ' requires  B  in the second parentheses.

-- So in order for ' X ' to be true, the first parentheses depends only on  A .
We can completely ignore the ' B ' there, because if  ' B ' is true, then ' X '
is not.

-- So the whole function reduces to    X = ( A ) ( BC )  =  ( A BC )

If I recall my tool box from way back then,    ( A BC )  =  ( A + B + C ) .
That's a law named after somebody whose name escapes me,
but I think I've applied it correctly.

Anyway, as always happens, the function can be implemented in
two different fundamental ways, on account of this guy's law.
Both of them are presented in the attachment.

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This person is essentially the group leader and is responsible for managing the production from start to finish. The producer develops the project from the initial idea, makes sure the script is finalized, arranges the financing and manages the production team that makes the film

The director is primarily responsible for overseeing the shooting and assembly of a film. While the director might be compared to a novel's author as a film's primary visionary, he or she would not be able to make the film without the help of numerous other artists and technicians.

In fact, the notion of the director as an author is misleading because it assumes the director, like an author, does everything. A director works at the center of film production, but is inextricably linked with dozens of other people who get the job done together.


While the dialogue in a film may seem natural to the viewer, a writer carefully crafts it; however, the screenwriter does far more than provide dialogue for the actors. He or she also shapes the sequence of events in a film to ensure that one scene transitions to the next so that the story will unfold logically and in an interesting way.

Like the producer, the screenwriter's role is generally overlooked by the movie-going public, yet is essential to the completion of any film. If there is no script, there is no movie.


Before one inch of film is shot, the production designer is the first artist to translate the script into visual form. He or she creates a series of storyboards that serve as the film's first draft.

A storyboard is a series of sketches on panels that shows the visual progression of the story from one scene to the next. Creating this sketch of the film on storyboards also ensures the visual continuity of the film from start to finish. Storyboards serve as the director's visual guide throughout the production and will be a template to follow during the editing process.


Before one inch of film is shot, the production designer is the first artist to translate the script into visual form. He or she creates a series of storyboards that serve as the film's first draft.

A storyboard is a series of sketches on panels that shows the visual progression of the story from one scene to the next. Creating this sketch of the film on storyboards also ensures the visual continuity of the film from start to finish. Storyboards serve as the director's visual guide throughout the production and will be a template to follow during the editing process.


What do we do with our "points" on this site?


Step 1:
You look at them from this angle, then from that angle, you smile
and say to yourself "Not bad, self !  Not bad at all." 

Step 2:
Then you step back for a better view, and admire them some more. 

Step 3:
After a while, the novelty wears off, and you want a stronger kick,
so you answer some more questions, and get some more points.
Then you have a higher number to admire, so you go back to Step 1.

Short version: we don't do anything with them, we just have them to show others how much we have answered.

Long version: points are simply a means to show experience and credibility. You can't buy anything, but it signifies to other users how experienced you are with answering questions and therefore how much your answer can be trusted. This is not to say that someone with more points is smarter than someone with a lesser number of points, just that the person with more points has answered more questions. points also determine, in part, your "rank." Mine, for example. is expert. this has no other benefit other than letting others know how credible your answers are.  

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Wide Area Network?


The answer is City Area Network.
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Cloud storage. If the information is on a server, you can access the data from another computer.

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Which strategy is most likely to solve the problem?

A. rebooting the network server

B. reconfiguring the network hubs

C. installing network gateway hardware

D. logging off one of the computers, and then logging back on



logging off one of the computers, and then logging back on



Logging off one of the computers, and then logging back on

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go to command prompt and type "ipconfig" and u should find it under ipv4