In three sentences, describe in what ways did the Guilds ensure that trade and merchandising was ethical and moral?


Answer 1
Answer:  The guilds were an association of freemen, of craftsmen working together to sustain each other, and through apprenticeship and training, to ensure the quality of what they produced. It is no accident that the great cathedrals of the medieval period did not leave the names of their builders behind them. Each man worked quietly and well as part of the group, and sought no fame for himself.

I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless you and have a nice day ahead!

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The state was the nation’s largest textile producer at this time.





Which statement about religious and ethnic groups is correct?A
All individuals of a religious group belong to the same ethnic group.
Answered Incorrectly
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Individuals in a particular ethnic group typically all belong in a different religion group C is answer

One of president lincoln's first major goals for reconstruction was to


One of president lincoln's first major goals for reconstruction was to bring back the Southern states into the Union as quickly and "gently" as possible, since he wanted the United States to heal immediately, without the North taking revenge. 

QUICK PLEASE!! Read the question in the picture and look at the map. Is the answer...A. There would be no way to travel in the empire
B. The shape of the empire would follow the new roots
C. There would be no change in the shape of the empire
D. The empire would be much larger


I would say that it's B because it appears that the shape of Han China is based off of trade routes.
B because there would be no roots

Which of the following people could not have the document shown above? (2 points)a) A U.S. resident who became a legal citizen
b) A native U.S. citizen living outside the nation
c) A U.S. resident who is not a legal citizen
d) A naturalized U.S. citizen visiting other nation


A U.S. resident who is not a legalcitizen cannot have the document of citizenship.

What do you mean by citizenship?

Citizenship refers to a person's legal status as a legal member of a nation.  Citizenship is also a person's full membership in any state in which he or she possesses civil and political rights.

Citizenship for a country is gained by meeting the legal requirements of a national, local, or state government. A nation grants certain rights and privileges to its citizens when they acquire a citizenship in a particular nation.

Who can acquire citizenship in U.S.?

If a person is born abroad to U.S. citizens. They may also derive U.S. citizenship. A person may also be able to acquire citizenship if only one parent is a U.S. citizen, but the parent must have resided in the United States for at least five years, two of which must be above the age of 14.

So, you must be 18 years of age or older. You must have authorization to live and work in the U.S. on a permanent basis for at least five years or three years, if married to a United States citizen.

Thus, a U.S. resident who is not a legalcitizen cannot not have the document of citizenship and he/she may not get the privileges which a U.S. citizen gets.

Hence, option C is correct.

To learn more about U.S. citizenship here:


d) A naturalized U.S. citizen visiting other nation

What was not a reason for the decline and fall of the Tang Dynasty?unhappy peasants
natural disaster
corruption in government
Mongol invasion


What was not a reason for the decline and fall of the Tang Dynasty? Mongol invasion

By the middle of the eighth century, the Tang power had declined. The internal economic instability and subsequent rebellion of An Lushan marked the beginning of the military decline for the Tang empire: "The appreciable system of land distribution, which characterized the early years, disappeared and the peasants, who previously supported the military by paying Forced to move and fight in the border areas, and increasingly, the resources fell to the army's caudillos, who achieved great independence from the central government and greater control of the economy. "An Lushan, commander of three Military regions, favored by the court, revolted against the empire (755-763) and seized Luoyang and Chang'an, beginning with his revolt the definitive decay of central power and dynasty.

The military defeat in 751 by the Arabs in the Talas battle marked the end of the Tang authority in Central Asia.

Finally, bad government, court intrigues, economic exploitation and popular revolts weakened the empire, allowed military chief Zhu Wen to seize the throne to found his own dynasty in 907. Thus, a new Period of fragmentation in the history of China: The period of the Five Dynasties and the Ten Realms.


mongol invasion
