How does the ribosome know which protein to make?


Answer 1
Answer: Messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules are long strands of RNA nucleotides that directribosomes to make proteins. They travel from the nucleus to the ribosome. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules make up part of the ribosomes of the cell in the cytoplasm. Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules transport amino acids to the ribosomes.

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This is due to the fact that water has  high specific heath capacity,which makes it to accommodate large amount of heat energy produced by the catabolic reactions which liberated heat.

General, the amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of a particular substance over a given amount is called the specific  heat capacity of that substance. Therefore for water, the amount of heat energy needed to raise the mass of 1kg of water by 1 degree is called the specific heat capacity of water.

Since large hydrogen bonds  held water molecules together,it takes a long time of heat energy to break these bonds free to raise the temperature of water.Hence, water in living cells is able to accommodate large amount of heat energy to stabilise the temperate of the cells.

Final answer:

Water within cells absorbs the heat released during cellular respiration, such as the breakdown of sugars, thereby maintaining a constant cellular temperature. This is owing to water's high specific heat capacity, which allows it to absorb a lot of heat without a significant rise in its own temperature.


Water inside cells plays a critical role in maintaining cellular temperature. When sugars are broken down in a process known as cellular respiration, a significant amount of heat is released. This heat, if not managed, can be detrimental to the cell's functioning. Water, due to its high specific heat capacity, is able to absorb this heat and limit temperature fluctuations. The specific heat capacity of a substance refers to the amount of heat energy required to change that substance's temperature by a certain amount. For water, this value is extraordinarily high, which means that it can absorb a lot of heat without a significant change in its own temperature. This trait allows the water in cells to absorb the heat generated by cellular metabolic processes, like the breakdown of sugars, helping to keep the cell's temperature constant.

Learn more about Cellular Temperature Regulation here:


The venn diagram compares plants and animals which description is common to both plants and animals and should be placed in a space marked x​


Answer: Need sugar for energy

Explanation: Plants exhibit an autotrophic type of nutrition that is, plants manufacture their own food. They have chlorophyll a green pigment located in the leaves to trap sunlight and convert carbon dioxide and water to glucose and oxygen in a process called photosynthesis. The glucose which is a simple sugar is then transported to other plant tissues where they are needed as source of energy for growth and other metabolic functions.

Animals exhibit a heterotrophic type of nutrition that is, animals cannot manufacture their own food rather they depend on plants and/or other animals for food. Animals use sugars derived from food they eat to obtain energy for all bodily functions.

Need sugar for energy because both plants and animals need carbohydrates to function. Carbohydrates become starches in plants and glycogen in animals.

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Natural Selection.


I remember this in bio.


The Answer is Natural selection


The spiral ganglion cells of the inner ear are unipolar.
a. True
b. False



b. False


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more people will die


If you have a big population and little food mor peple will die.

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it is
sexual reproduction
it becomes more and more reproduction and that when the male cell matches up with the female cell and then it becomes another egg
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