Which of the following is not a phase in the menstrual cycle? a. gastrulation
b. follicular
c. ovulation
d. luteal


Answer 1
Answer: I think gastrulation , cause i never heard of that before
Answer 2
Answer: There are four phases in one cycle: Menstrual phase (From day 1 to 5) Follicular phase (From day 1 to 13) Ovulation phase (Day 14) Luteal phase (From day 15 to 28) So the answer is a

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True or false: some vitamins, such as a, d, e, and k, must be eaten with some fat to be absorbed by the intestine


It's true. You some do require fat to be eaten with it.

critically discuss five negative and five positive impacts of these social networks on individuals rights to privacy and safety


Five negative impacts on social net work :
- It make it easier for criminals to find out basic information about you
- It make it easier for people who wanted to take your pictures for wrong reasons
- Criminals could use it to find out where you live
- If you upload your artworks or project to social media, it would be easy for people to use it without permission
- It can be used to find out/predict your activity and track you

Positive Impact
- It broaden your connection
- It make it easy for you to find out about news and other information
- It could serve as a platform for new business
- For parents , it could be used to watch out their children
- It could be used to gain more exposure for your artwork or project

Overuse injuries occur because you are not giving your body enough time to recover from an activity


This is true. Your body must have rest days and down times in order for the muscle tissues to repair themselves. When you participate in activities your muscle fibers tear, and they need time to repair, or if you dont rest that will lead you to overuse injuries. It is different for different people because if you are not very active your muscle fibers need more time to repair compared to someone who is always active because there body is used to it. Hope i helped!

the correct answer is true

Develop a logical scenario where you advocate for your own health and explain why it is important.


Doing exercises is a logical scenario where you defend your health.

It is proven that practicing exercise regularly contributes to maintaining good health and preventing diseases.

It is important to do exercises because it has biological and psychological benefits.

Among the bilogical benefits we have:

1) Improves physical shape and endurance

2) Regulates blood pressure figures.

3) Increase or maintain bone density.

4) Improves insulin resistance.

5) It helps maintain body weight.

6) Increase muscle tone and strength.

Among the psychological benefits we have:

1) Increase self-esteem

2) Improve the self-image

3) Reduce social isolation

4) Reduce tension and stress

5) Reduce the level of depression.

6) Help relax.

A way to prevent heat exhaustion


Drink plenty of fluid, mostly water.  Stay in a shady place.  

Explain two ways you can help to prevent the spread of infectious diseases?


always wash ur hands could be one