How would you be able to use the spectrum of each gas to establish its identity


Answer 1
Answer: You could compar and contrast the identities so you can compare them and identify them

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Answer : Option 3) Electrolysis.

Explanation : In the process of electrolysis, decomposition of the chemical is done by passing the electric current from the liquid or the solution containing ions in it. This is the process where compound is broken into ions namely, cations and anions.

Rest all options does not involves chemical decomposition of the compound.

Chromatography is a technique where rates of solute and solvent are compared in a medium where the solute components move at different rates and the separation is obtained.

Distillation simply purifies the liquid or solution by heating or cooling process.

Filtration just involves removal of impurities by using a more porous material device to get purified compound.


The correct answer is option (3).


Electrolysis is defined as chemical process in which decomposition is carried out by passing an electricity in a solution containing ions. For example: electrical decomposition of water gives oxygen  gas and hydrogen gas.

2H_2O(l)\overset{Electricity}\rightarrow 2H_2(g)+O_2(g)

where as chromatography, distillation and filtration are the separation techniques used to separate the compounds from the mixtures.

Hence, the correct answer is option (3).

Which of the following statements about subatomic particles best characterizes electrons? A positive charge, light, circling the nucleusB no charge, heavy, found in nucleusC negative charge, light, circling the nucleus D negative charge, heavy, circling the nucleus


Every electron carries one elementary negative charge.  Concerning mass,
it takes roughly 1,840 electrons to make enough mass for 1 proton or 1 neutron.
Electrons don't necessarily have to stay connected to an atom, but when they do,
they circle the nucleus.

So you should select (C): ==> Negative, ==> light, ==> circling the nucleus.
The answer should be (C) negative charge,  light and circling the nucleus.

Why? ---- An electron always has negative charge. Its mass is 1/ 1900 times the mass of proton and it circles the nucleus.

The half-life of radioactive substance is 2.5 minutes. what fraction of the origional radioactive remains after 10 mins


The answer is 1/16.

Half-life is the time required for the amount of a sample to half its value.
To calculate this, we will use the following formulas:
1. (1/2)^(n) = x,
n - a number of half-lives
x - a remained fraction of a sample

2. t_(1/2) = (t)/(n)
t_(1/2) - half-life
t - total time elapsed
n - a number of half-lives

So, we know:
t = 10 min
t_(1/2) = 2.5 min

We need:
n = ?
x = ?

We could first use the second equation to calculate n:
t_(1/2) = (t)/(n),
n = (t)/( t_(1/2) )
⇒ n = (10 min)/(2.5 min)
⇒ n=4

Now we can use the first equation to calculate the remained fraction of the sample.
(1/2)^(n) = x
⇒ x=(1/2)^4
x= (1)/(16)

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B) very dry environments, such as land
C) bottom of a lake covered by sediment
D) an environment exposed to natural elements


The answer is C. The process of fossilization is dependent on the environment. It plays an essential role for the process to occur. The best location possible would be in a bottom of a lake where the organism is buried and is covered with a lot of sediment.

Which atomic model states that it is impossible to know the exact location of electrons around the nucleus?


The correct answer is electron-cloud model. This model states that electrons don't go around in an eliptical way but rather completely erratically and uncontrolably and this is why it can't be known where they are or how they will behave. They form sort of like a cloud of many electrons that move erratically so you have to check it to see where it is.


Electron -cloud model


Edge 2021

What intermolecular force does water have?


Water is known to be the universal solvent because it can mostly dissolve most of the substances. The reason behind its solvability is the bonding of intermolecular forces of attraction. Out of the many bondings between molecules, the bond that governs water or the intermolecular force that it has is H bonding or hydrogen bonding. Water is composed mostly of two atoms of hydrogen one atom of oxygen. Both the hydrogen and oxygen are polar elements and hydrogen is bounded with a high electronegativity oxygen atom.