This type of autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks the layer of insulation that surrounds the nerves and slows the nerve impulsesasthma
multiple sclerosis
rheumatoid arthritis


Answer 1
Answer: The answer would be Multiple Sclerosis because it is a disease in which the immune system eats away at the protective covering of nerves. 

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16. Painkilling chemicals that occur naturally in the body are known asA. hormones.
B. triglycerides.
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17. Specificity is important to a fitness program because it

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B. allows you to choose the right types of activities to improve a particular fitness element.
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B. they have a lot of muscle mass due to weightlifting.
C. they exercise regularly, which improves the efficiency of their heart.
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Question: Painkilling chemicals that occur naturally in the body are known as A. hormones. B. triglycerides. C. endorphins. D. platelets. Answer: The correct answer is C. endorphin's. Question: Specificity is important to a fitness program because it A. makes the workout more enjoyable. B. allows you to choose the right types of activities to improve a particular fitness element. C. increases the demands you place on your body. D. helps you to exercise beyond your regular daily abilities. Answer: Correct answer is B. allows you to choose the right types of activities to improve a particular fitness element. Question: Olympic athletes have lower resting heart rates because A. their lungs tend to be naturally larger. B. they have a lot of muscle mass due to weightlifting. C. they exercise regularly, which improves the efficiency of their heart. D. they tend to eat low-fat diets. Question: Correct answer is C. they exercise regularly, which improves the efficiency of their heart. Question: What does a measure of your cardio-respiratory endurance tell a fitness professional? A. Your anaerobic fitness, or how well your leg and arm muscles work B. How long you can sustain a weightlifting program C. What type of exercises you've been doing D. Your aerobic fitness, or how efficiently your heart is working Answer: Correct answer is D. Your aerobic fitness, or how efficiently your heart is working. Question: Which type of fat may help lower the risk of heart disease? A. Saturated fat B. Trans fat C. Unsaturated fat D. Cholesterol Answer: Correct answer is C. Unsaturated fat.

Which of these is a function of the digestive system? transports nutrients to other organs eliminates nondigestible waste regulates blood flow builds big molecules from smaller molecules


The digestivesystem is composed of numerous organs: esophagus, stomach, smallintestine ... It is it that ensures the digestion of food. From the mouth to the anus, everything about the actors of a good transit!

Thedigestive system is responsible for the transformation of foods, theirdegradation into proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, trace elements,lipids and other substances that can be used by the body. It also ensures the passage of these nutrients into the bloodstream so that they can be used by the body.

How a person can have power and prestige without a large income?


It all depends on how well you do with money on a basis, like can control yourself from buying things that you don’t need but you want and also you can have connections with people that have higher quality of life or you can invest in to a lot of things

Final answer:

Power and prestige can be attained through inherited wealth, philanthropy, decision-making roles in business and media, and positions of community leadership where wealth is accumulated and distributed equitably.


In U.S. society, power and prestige can come from several sources other than a largeincome. You can inherit it as 'old money,' or it may come through philanthropy, where you organize benefits for people. Examples of these types of individual include Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian who capitalized on their social status and converted it into a form of celebrity prestige.

Power and prestige can also come from being in a position of leadership and making decisions that affect a large number of people. For example, if you run a major business or media outlet, you can influence job statuses, collective identity, and cultural attitudes respectively.

Another way to achieve power and prestige is by being a 'big man' in a community, acting selflessly in accumulating and distributing wealth and serving the community. Power, in this case, is persuasive, not coercive, and the importance is placed on service to the community and equitable distribution of wealth.

Learn more about Achieving Power and Prestige here:


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Good Nutrition or healthy diet is the process that focuses focusing more on nutritious diet. Good Nutrition is the key to have healthy lifestyle. Most of the times, unhealthy food are the cause of illnesses,

Discuss two ways to determine your muscular strength. Explain their advantages.



Maxing out means to lift the heaviest weight possible for one repetition while maintaining proper form. The advantages of maxing out include it being easy and not requiring calculations or estimates. Determining one RM: One uses percentages of weights and reps to determine one RM, calculations or books, and online resources available. The advantages of this method include resources being available in books or online and having no worry of injury or miscalculation from selecting the wrong maximum weight on the trial.

Important factors in determining the credibility of a health product manufacturer includeA. recalls, location, and doctor's recommendationB. location, clinical trials, and quality controlC. recalls, location, and quality controlD. clinical trials, doctor's recommendation, and quality control


option d. clinical trials, doctor's recommendation and quality control

Everyone's journey is different, we need to find the right doctor, the right hospital and the right care.For human subjects, things need to be evaluated biomedical or health-related outcomes. The outcomes needs to be verified and maintained a desired level of quality in an existing product by careful planning, use of proper components and corrective action as required.




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